Could you please send me the local logs to me?
The default path is: C:\Users\Wendy\AppData\Roaming\Doit.im\bin\logs
Note: Change " Wendy" to your own PC username
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
I found out next sync problem.
Sometimes windows client loses repeated tasks in today and tomorrow focuses.
At the same time I can see original repeated task in my schedule focus and Mac, iPhone and Web apps work fine.
I run Windows app using Windows 7 x64.
02/20/2014 09:51#1
02/20/2014 10:10#2
02/21/2014 02:47#3
Thank you for your logs. Our developers will check it.
Are the problem repeated tasks daily repeated? Could you please tell me the name of the repeated tasks by private comments? -
02/24/2014 10:52#4
This is a private comment.
02/25/2014 02:23#5
Thank you for your information. We will check it further. -
02/25/2014 05:02#6
Are the repeated tasks showed in Today and Tomorrow now?
When you find it is lost,please send me the logs by private comments. The default path is: C:\Users\Wendy\AppData\Roaming\Doit.im\bin\logs
Note: Change " Wendy" to your own PC username
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
02/25/2014 12:18#7
@wendy_only Hi.
I don't see lost tasks now because I completed they using Mac or iPhone Doit's apps.
Also I forgot to explain one thing. Windows app lost not all todos for repeated tasks. For example, I've created weekly repeated task from Mo to Fr during one week. And on Wednesday I see lost task (I can't find out the task in Today), but I can see completed tasks for Mon and Tue and scheduled for Thursday (in Tomorrow).
Best regards,
Vladimir -
02/26/2014 02:27#8
Thank you for your information.
Do you try to switch between the boxes and try to manual sync when you can not see the task in Today?
When you can not see the task on windows version,please do not complete it on other versions. Please send us the screenshot and we will check it. -
03/03/2014 06:14#9
Yes, I tried manual sync when I can't see the task. But it took no action.
Right now I don't have this problem because I've completed lost tasks using Doit's apps for other platforms.
When I'll meet this problem again I'll send you screenshot. -
03/03/2014 07:36#10
We will check this issue further. Was your Pro account ever expired?
03/03/2014 16:31#11
No. I have the Pro account for all time I'm using Doit without expiration.
03/04/2014 01:51#12
OK. We will check the issue further to find the cause and fix it.
The new windows version 4.0.37 has been released. Please update to have a check.
03/05/2014 09:36#13
Thank You very much!
New version works fine.
I met described problem today but after update windows client synchronized correctly. -
03/06/2014 03:53#14
You are more welcome.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team