I would like to, when I click a certain Goal in the left menu, to have all the tasks that belong to any project in that goal listed in the main pane - exactly like the regular project view we have, grouped by Box etc, but with all the Next actions for the whole goal together as one group, then all the Waiting for actions for the whole goal etc.

At the very top of this list there could be a group containing a summary list of all the projects (project names) that belong to that Goal (like the list we see in the main pane today when we click a Goal).

Why? Because Goals can represent big "super-projects" or "areas" or "project folders" or anything similar that makes sense to the individual user and brings related projects together, and are a very natural starting point for reviewing your lists or even limiting your current scope of choices.

(This does not in any way preclude Goals also being made available as grouping and filtering options for other lists as well.)