Thank you for your feedback.
Q1: the web version does not display the tags on the task screen, can be useful
A: On the task list? Why do you need the tags to be showed on the task list?
Q2: adding a sort option alongside the group option can be nice
A: We will consider it.
Q3: Also, would it be possible to assign each task with an expected duration and have that appear somewhere?
A: We will support it and it has been listed in our development plan. And now, you can add the expected duration to task comments. Comments in Doit.im are used to write down some useful information at various stages of the task processing for further reference. http://enblog.doit.im/post/19626248876/wanna-interact-with-your-contacts-on-doit-im-wanna
-the web version does not display the tags on the task screen, can be useful
-adding a sort option alongside the group option can be nice
also, would it be possible to assign each task with an expected duration and have that appear somewhere? would be very handy when creating your schedule, and would also allow filtration by time intensivity of tasks in any screen.
05/06/2013 10:22#1
05/07/2013 07:12#3
"Q1: the web version does not display the tags on the task screen, can be useful
A: On the task list? Why do you need the tags to be showed on the task list?"
It would allow me to quickly understand what each task relates to just by glancing at the task list,
in the windows version this is currently the case, not so in the web version....
for example:
i use doit.im to keep track of my coursework at the university, i sometimes have several items with names like "review lesson 7", that i quickly add to the school context,
in the current situation i have to click on each task to remmember which course i meant as i use tags to keep track of them.
"Q3: Also, would it be possible to assign each task with an expected duration and have that appear somewhere?
A: We will support it and it has been listed in our development plan. And now, you can add the expected duration to task
comments. Comments in Doit.im are used to write down some useful information at various stages of the task processing
for further reference. http://enblog.doit.im/post/19626248876/wanna-interact-with-your-contacts-on-doit-im-wanna"
When trying to create weekly/daily/monthly schedule, or indeed, when trying to do any kind of task scheduling analysis, opening each task up to look at the comments is pretty uncomfortable, and the time (or difficulty) of a task, is a pretty useful parameter, it is also something a very basic feature of a task (your appraisal of how much effort/time it would take)
i think the app in its current state is great, it's well designed and comfortable to use,
but the main direction in which i think it needs to improve is with simplifying and expanding the task and time management processes, things like multiple task tag/priority/project/etc' assignments (to quickly clear out a busy inbox, im aware that projects and times can currently be controlled via dragging and dropping, its tagging and prioritizing that are currently lackluster, priorities currently CAN be handled for multiple tasks, but it only increases/decreases the priority value by 1 for each task, you cannot assign the SAME priority to several tasks with ease if they started out with different priorities )
and a clear display of all the relevant features of task to decide by, along with easy ways to schedule tasks, would go great lengths to increase usability
05/07/2013 10:43#4
1. Tags in Doit.im are used to filter tasks. Only tags used in tasks contained in the current box would be seen in the tag filter rows. By selecting more than one tag for filtering, you'll get tasks with both/all these tags. To select multiple tags, hold Ctrl on the keyboard and then click on tags that you want to select. As for your suggestion, we may consider it in the future.
2. In the near future, we will support assigning each task with an expected duration.
Thank you for your feedback.