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If I tick/check an event as completed in doit.im does it disappear from Google calendar?
03/01/2014 10:29#1
03/01/2014 18:34#2
Excellent thank you. One more question: What is the reason that repeating events only show up one day before the event. Surely this can lead to problems is you don't see future events??
Thanks in advance -
03/03/2014 17:25#3
03/03/2014 18:00#4
I personally never use the calendar view (neither in Doit itself nor the doit.im calendar in GCal), but I do agree with you that it is very important indeed, even in the list view of Scheduled, which I always use, to be able to see the scheduled date and deadline date of the next occurrence of every repeating task. Not having this is a serious flaw.
I have no idea why this was not implemented already from the outset, It has been suggested many times in this forum, and the usual answer from Doit is that it would be too difficult for them to implement. I find that very hard to believe. (Maybe a more truthful answer might be that they have difficulty determining which features would be truly useful for people, and therefore spend their resources on a trial-and-error strategy, rather implementing a dozen half-baked new features than just a few solid ones, and see what reactions they get. And then they get stuck when the responses to all the half-baked features are negative or sound too complicated for them, and then nothing happens.) -
03/04/2014 02:06#5
Do you mean that you want to see all repeating events in the Scheduled task list even when the task is repeated every day and there is no end time? In this way,there will be a lot of tasks in your account. The app will run slowly. If you want to open Scheduled on web version,it may take much time. -
03/05/2014 05:08#6
Both good points. I understand that if I have something repeating everyday forever would be a problem....but I'd like to think that after 3 weeks I'd remember that thing that needed to be done daily!
Currently if I have an event that repeats maybe 3, 4, or 10 times it is simply omitted from my google calendar view until the day before the event.
Surely one of the guiding principles of GTD is not trying to hold these kind of things to memory. How can I be sure that when I accept a new job (I'm freelance) that I'm not double booking myself?? A terrible situation if you don't have confidence in your system. -
03/05/2014 07:09#7
You can see all the repeats in calendar view now. We will consider your suggestion seriously. Or you can add repeated tasks on Google calendar and sync these events back to Doit.im. In this way you can see all the repeats within 30 days.
03/05/2014 07:43#8
This is my opinion:
In the Scheduled LIST, I think it would be perfect if each repeated task is shown ONCE ONLY, clearly showing the next scheduled date (and the corresponding deadline date if one has been specified).
In the Doit.im calendar (which I do not use) I suppose there should be a cutoff point somewhere, say 2 weeks or 2 months into the future, depending on technical factors.
(When you edit a repeated task the default should be that you edit the visible "clone task", e.g. to add additional subtasks to the next occurrence, and there could be a button for selecting to edit the "mother task", i.e. edit the recurring data, instead.)
03/05/2014 11:59#9
I think the issue is with the concept of repeating tasks. Something that goes on 'forever' is wholly different to a one off set of tasks that may repeat three times over the space of two months. For the latter scenario I can see no issue with immediately porting and displaying this in my gcal.
As it stands I simply have to add a deadline time and date to each occurrence of the repeating tasks which are now treated as a separate entities. -
03/05/2014 12:01#10
The issue then becomes doit getting horribly cluttered with 'on the fly' gcal inputs.
Just to add some balance, I love the product! -
03/05/2014 12:24#11
One thing you might want to try while waiting for a fix is to use Doit's "reverse sync" instead. You set up your repeating tasks as you want them in a regular GCal calendar (not the Doit.im calendar) and set this GCal calendar up for syncing with Doit (done in Doit's preferences).
(Beware, though, that with reverse syncing you get the whole selected calendars synced, not just selected tasks, and if you delete tasks in Doit they get deleted in GCal, too. This makes the reverse sync near impossible to use generally, especially with shared calendars, but for your needs you could manually create a special "Doit Festus" calendar in GCal that behaves exactly the way you want, and I think the reverse sync then looks ahead a few months, so you will have these tasks available in the Doit lists well in advance.) -
03/06/2014 07:34#12
We will consider improving this feature in our app. Now you'd better try the solution @Folke suggested.