Yes, agenda lists are practical.
"Agenda" could also be implemented as a "box" - Next, Waiting, Agenda, Tickler/Calendar, Someday/Maybe. That would ensure that Agenda actions do not "pollute" any of those other lists, which I would prefer. (And you could still use either context or people tags for the various people).
Thank you,
03/31/2014 20:31#1
04/01/2014 03:58#2
@Folke @Wolfmueller
Thank you for your feedback!
It is not in our developing plan. But we will consider it seriously.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards, Team -
11/05/2014 16:59#3
I am curious to how you handle agenda items as you seem to have matured your use of this system very well.
I am a very new user to this particular app, and what I have started to do is have a Project called #Agenda, with each person a "task" beneath it and given the context of @Meeting. So the agenda with my boss is tagged #Agenda @Meeting /Boss. So each person has a tag, and each item I wish to discuss with this person is a subtask to that task. The benefit (?) to this way of doing it is that agenda items are invisible on my task list. Additionally, when checking the context @Meeting, each person's agenda is clear as each is a separate task. The downside is that you cannot add subtasks easily - I generally have to say something like "task @meeting &/Boss" on the quick add to put it into my inbox, and then later re-write it into a subtask.
The alternative seems to be to have each person have his own agenda as a project: Project #Boss and each item I wish to discuss with her as a task tagged #Boss @meeting . This allows for very easy Quick-Adding from the widget, but makes each task visible. Again, that may be a benefit in some instances, but I'm not so sure (say if I have to discuss the same thing with 3 different people, I'd see the same task 3 times as each task can have only one project it is assigned to). This way also has the benefit of being able to mix agenda items I _want_ to see on my task list with invisible ones. I could do that by having a task called "Misc Agenda" assigned to my Project #Boss with multiple subtasks beneath it. The drawback is when I look at the @Meeting context, items are not grouped by person (though you can tag filter).
But I was wondering how YOU do it, as I feel it would be very instructive.
-D -
11/05/2014 18:50#4
The truth is I try to avoid Agendas, because I have not found a good way to deal with them. I treat each agenda item as a separate task (each one with a context of @Person, same as for other tasks that require interaction with some particular person), or if I am quite certain that I will do them all in one go I often enter the whole agenda as one single task with subtasks.
I think a "proper" solution would be if Doit would allow you to leave tasks in their original projects while at the same time allowing them to be listed either in an additional project or as subtasks in a separate task, as suggested here:
I would not want to move my agendas to a separate "project", because I want them where they "really" belong. When I review my lists thoroughly I always go by Goal and Project, and would not want anything to fall outside. (But, with the above solution, it would be neat if I could toggle the visibility of agenda tasks off and on in the Next list.)
All apps have their shortcomings, and so does Doit. For example, tagging is something that I normally love to do (in other apps), but not with Doit, because I cannot see the tags in the list, and hence cannot trust my tagging. I make many mistakes and need to see the tags to be able to verify and trust them. So although I have individual people tags, just like you do, I do not really use them. (I am still hoping the developers will make the tags visible, that's the only reason I still sometimes apply them.)
Fortunately for me, I do not use smart add, so the limitations you mention when entering subtasks do not apply to me. I enter everything using the regular create/edit pane.
Sorry I didn't have any neat advice for you. But I hope I can help you better with something else some other time. Good luck. -
11/05/2014 21:27#5
Thank you for your prompt reply! Making each person a Context does make a certain amount of sense, or if I am tagging with a name anyway I could loosen up on my reluctance to do this with a filter. I was rather hoping for something a little more elegant - which I agree could happen given the ability to link a single task with multiple projects.
Kindly consider this as support for Folke's request for the ability to assign a task to multiple projects, just as we can currently also assign it multiple tags. -
11/06/2014 10:02#6
We are considering adding a feature to separate tasks and projects for different part.
Best regards, Team -
11/06/2014 13:36#7
You said: "... a feature to separate tasks and projects for different part."
How do you mean? -
11/07/2014 09:13#8
It is a feature which is similar to Area. Agenda context could be regarded as one Area. -
11/07/2014 14:36#9
So if I have a number of things to do at the same time and would want to batch these up as an "agenda", are you saying we should/could then move them to a separate Area (called Agendas, in addition to areas such as Work and Private etc)? That does not sound like a viable option for me.
BTW. I do not think you need a new Area feature. You already have an Area feature, and it is currently called Goals. All you need to do is add some useful functionality around those Goals (group by, filter by, view all tasks in them etc etc etc). As it is now you cannot really do anything at all with the Goals. You can establish the connection to them, yes, but almost nothing at all beyond that, so why would anyone bother to even establish the connection? If you add yet another lame feature called Area which also does almost nothing all you will get is confusion. Better keep it simple but powerful and consistent.
11/08/2014 21:33#10
I strongly agree with both pro users. This feature request is in alignment with the GTD methodology as described in the book, and I've also struggled with implementing agendas for meetings in my doit. Thanks!
11/08/2014 21:34#11
Also, please don't add an area feature...
11/09/2014 08:31#12
@Japhir @Folke
Thank you for your further description. We will consider your suggestion seriously.