We have found an issue which may cause this problem. We have fined this bug and we will release this version soon.
Do you have repeat tasks which is repeated monthly and week of the month?
Win 8 Problem
Very frustrating using you windows 8 application. Always end up with lots of tasks that don't sync properly. E.g I reschedule something on win8 app, and it isn't rescheduled on iOS version. I tried pressing the sync manually on both, but that does no good. Are you aware of this being buggy? Is it going to be fixed?
04/03/2014 17:11#1
04/05/2014 12:15#2
yes I have repeat monthly and weekly tasks.
04/08/2014 09:15#4
Could you please send me the local logs to me? The default path is: C:\Users\Wendy\AppData\Roaming\Doit.im\bin\logs
Note: Change " Wendy" to your own PC username