This will affect the rendering of all views that use the project ordering information (such as the NEXT view)
Steps to reproduce:
- open the project view on win8 client (latest build)
- edit project name of a project that's ordered at bottom of the project list
- change name from existing "semester review" to "semester-review"
- re-sync at client side
Expected outcome:
- project order should be the same, and only project name change
Actual outcome
- the project list at win8 client side is rendered correctly
- on Web interface the project list is incorrect: the renamed project moved to the top of the project list.
- all projects are manually sorted according to priority
04/15/2014 17:02#1
04/16/2014 04:01#2
Since this one is not replied, I assume it may have been overlook. So I refresh it with another reply...
04/16/2014 07:34#3
Sorry for late reply.
We are testing and checking the error logs in our server. We have found the cause. It is the windows version who caused the error. We will fix it ASAP.
04/17/2014 11:38#5
Please remember that you have a possibly related problem in the short project lists within each goal. These lists are always totally jumbled (wrong order) in the Windows version, and sometimes even give rise to false additional next actions named exactly like the project. And when you try to rearrange something it either does not work at all or it causes the cloud and other platforms to be jumbled, too. I don't dare to use it at all. -
04/18/2014 03:45#6
Thank you for your feedback. We will check this bug further and try our best to make better.