Thank you for your feedback!
Sorry that they are not in our developing plan.
Please describe them in detail and tell me how you will use them or why you need them.
You can create filters to show the tasks according to your request.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
It would be really cool if I could
1. Assign a task under multiple folders.
2. Create subfolders
3. See my folders in a tree view
4. View my tags just like I view my folders.
Good ideas?
04/17/2014 03:30#1
04/17/2014 11:12#2
@barnabasnagy (and @wendy_only for possible comment)
When you say "folders", what are you actually referring to? The current task ("folder") hierarchy is goals-projects-tasks-subtasks. Are you referring to enhancements to this existing hierarchy, or are you talking about a separate hierarchy (and maybe a totally different purpose)?
As for your suggestions, if I understand them correctly:
1. Be able to assign a task to more than one project.
I agree this would be useful in general and particularly useful for creating batches and agendas of tasks that belong in different projects but which I plan to get done in one single meeting, one single errand run etc. Having this kind of "dual citizenship" for the tasks would allow me to review my projects as usual (see the tasks where they belong) and also be able to plan or schedule their execution in a convenient way. (There may also be other ways to solve this, for example, allow a task to be "linked" as a subtask in a separate "batch task", and then be checked off all together by simply checking off the "batch task"). But I agree that it would be elegant to have the general capability to assign tasks to more than one project.
2. Create subprojects.
I do not mind at all, in principle, but I can usually manage quite well we the four levels we already have.
3. See your hierarchy in a tree view.
To some small extent we can do this already, but usually only one step at a time, and I totally agree it would often be very useful to be able to see at least two levels, for example:
- in a goal view, be able to see both the projects and the tasks
- in a project view, be able to see both the tasks and the subtasks
Also, it would be neat when you click a goal in the left menu, if the left menu would temporarily expand and show the projects in that goal.indented under the goal.
4. View the tags as a hierarchy.
Well, yes and no. I can certainly agree that a hierarchical capability would be a nice feature, for example to be able to define Ruth as being "under" Marketing, such that if you apply the Ruth tag you can later see the task when filtering for Marketing. (And obviously you would need to be able to see these hierarchical relationships when managing your tags.)
But I disagree with the idea to fundamentally organize the tags hierarchically. The beauty of tags is that you can apply them in virtually any number and in any combination, and they are often not related to each other at all. Displaying all this in a hierarchical way would not seem workable. -
04/24/2014 18:59#3
Let me clarify
1. Assign a task under multiple folders.
I have 11 websites. Each website is a project. I have to upgrade WordPress for all sites. The task will belong to all projects. So I would like to add all 11 folders to this task.
2. Create subfolders
My 11 websites have products. 1 of my websites have 5 products. That would be a subfolder.
3. See my folders in a tree view
Since now I would have 11 websites and their products I would like to see them on the left side where the folders are in a folder view. Just as you can view your folders on Widonws Explorer.
+ Folder
-- Sub folder
-- Sub folder
+ Folder
-- Sub folder
4. View my tags just like I view my folders.
I can view my folders on the left side but I can't see my tags there. I expect to see them there because all my filters are there. -
04/25/2014 03:33#4
Q: 1. Assign a task under multiple folders.
A: Project template and task template has been in our developing plan. How here is a Simple Way to Deal with Repeated Projects:
Q: 2. Create subfolders
3. See my folders in a tree view
A: Why not use Goal to manage your projects. Goal-project-task-subtasks.
Q: 4. View my tags just like I view my folders.
A: Sorry that it is not in our developing plan yet. You'd better use Filter if you need to view the tasks with each tag on left side.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
04/25/2014 07:02#5
1. Assign a task under multiple folders.
You misunderstood this. I'm not talking about repeated tasks or projects. But assigning multiple projects to one task.
Folder, task and goal are different things. I'm talking about sub projects and seeing them in a tree view.
See: http://screencast.com/t/DzbP6oAZDIPl
4. It doesn't make sense to me to use tags at all if I can't use them on the left side. I can tag a task with multiple tags but can't see them in the left side. I can tag a task with one project and can see it in the left side. Sorry that does not make sense to me.
My main goal is to use either the projects or tags as my projects. I don't care how it's called but a task should be assigned to multiple projects. And it should be in the left hand side.