I need an export of my doit.im projects, including context, projectname and tags. Does any know how to do that? The printer by leeiio does not contain tags or contexts. Its not clear whether the recent API will do this job for me, and whether I can use it, it seems to require some coding.

It seems possible to do the export using a javascript in the Google Chrome Console. Here Coderwall managed to export the task names: see https://coderwall.com/p/yk64la. I'm sure its possible to export the tags as well, because I can see an array of objects with the taskname, context and tag information in the Google Chrome console, but I don't know get to it programmatically. I'm sure a Chrome experienced web-developer would be able to retrieve the info quickly. I'm kind of stunned that it seems so easy to get to the export with tags, and so many have requested it for so long, but Doit.im has still no obvious way to create an export with tags and context info.

Best Alex