Yes, I have been thinking about that too, perhaps for a slightly different reason.
There is really no need for the Today list (not in its present form, anyway). It could be moved in under Scheduled, because that is how Doit treats these tasks - as if they were calendar scheduled for being done exactly today. They are ripped away from whatever original environment they were in (e.g. Next = to be done by me asap, or Waiting = to be done by somebody else asap) so you cannot even see them anymore in the category where they actually belong. They are forced into this separate "box" called Today, where all such information is lost, and which is really nothing other than "Scheduled for today". They could scarp the whole Today list, and just add a "Past" and a "Today" section at the beginning Scheduled, to have a neater and more logical solution.
But many apps have a useful list which is also often called Today or Focus or Starred etc. This always works in such a way that you can star anything you want, but all this does is give you convenient access to it, and you see them starred - but nothing is changed or moved or destroyed. That kind of Today list I would like to have. It is almost a "standard feature" that I find it surprising that Doit does not have.
Also, is there a way to clear all items out of Today at one time instead of one at a time?
05/31/2014 22:47#1
06/01/2014 10:38#2
It is not in our developing plan now.
You can clear all items out of Today at one time. Please tell me which version do you use. On desktop version,you can use Ctrl or Shift to select them. On mobiles,please long press one item,then you can select all of them by clicking.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards, Team -
06/01/2014 12:56#3
So how about moving it in under Scheduled (where it actually belongs)? (It is no more difficult for people to find these things under Scheduled.)
And preferably also implement a normal Focus/Starred list after that, just like all other apps have? -
06/02/2014 14:31#4
We will consider your suggestion seriously. Thank you. :) -
06/12/2014 19:16#5
Today is an important part of the application...if you're following GTD principals your "Today" list will only have things on it that should be done Today
06/12/2014 23:13#6
@codefox (@wendy_only but you have heard this before)
If you follow GTD principles the things you MUST do today should be on your Calendar, e.g. appointments. Everything else goes on on the Next list (for you do do) or the Waiting list (for someone else to do, but you need the results).
In GTD there actually is no Today list. You normally work off your Next list, and expect things from other people according to your Waiting list. But if you like you can copy some of these tasks for your convenient attention onto a "white index card".
In GTD terms, Doit's Today list is more to be regarded as a part of the GTD Calendar, because that is how Doit treats tasks that you mark for attention today. It is a bit difficult to use Doit for proper GTD. Most apps have a Starred list that serves the purpose of the "white index card". You can star anything, anywhere, and it stays where it it is, just gets a visible star, and can also be seen on the Starred list. Perfect. But Doit does not have this. If you star a task in Doit, Doit brutally moves Next and and Waiting actions away from where they belong, which means that these lists are destroyed just because you chose to mark a few for your attention.
Doit primarily supports "time planning", not GTD. But many of us are hoping for a change. @wendy_only, when can we expect a change? -
06/13/2014 02:26#7
Yes. We are going to change. We will try our best to make it better. But it will take us much time to make it as it is not a little thing. -
06/22/2014 21:05#8
I agree with the above requests. We do not need 'Today' because the calendar can show that. And the "white index card" should be done by the stars, and we can have a list called "Starred" (or maybe even call it "Now"). The star should not change the start time (if it's next, waiting, someday, etc).
06/23/2014 03:01#9
And I might add - a small detail - that the very expression "start time" is very, very wrong from a GTD point if view. It is usually not a matter of time, but about WHO and whether it is firmly committed.
For example, Waiting is also a "next action", but for someone else to do, not for me personally. Both Next and Waiting for actions could be completed today if I am lucky.
And Someday is not primarily an indication of time. It is a statement about the fact that I am not sure yet whether this should even be done at all. It is not yet a committed action. The GTD term is Someday/Maybe. All GTD actions, except Calendar actions, are "someday" in the sense that no fixed time is decided. That's one of the major points of GTD. -
06/28/2014 01:02#10
Since we're debating GTD principles...
If you want to be technical, you should be working off a list of your Next Actions, which for Doit means every single task you have created, unless you've changed the status of them. Unfortunately, the Today view is the only way I account for the fact I don't have a discrete list of Next Actions, so taking that away from me has a pretty significant impact. -
06/28/2014 09:25#11
The functionality should not really be "taken away". The Today list should be replaced by:
- a Starred list, which allows you to see any selected Next, Waiting, Calendar or other actions
- a section under Scheduled, before the Tomorrow section, called Today, which shows today's Calendar actions
I would suggest that Calendar should be introduced as a separate "box" type. It is one of the fundamental types of actions in GTD, besides Next, Waiting, Someday and Tickler.