
I use doit.im on my iPhone, iPad mini and Macbook Air, and enjoying it very much. So much I just upgraded to Pro.

It has solved many of my organisational problems, but one remains - I can't see and move my scheduled events visually in the format of a calendar.

If someone wants to do something with me at a scheduled time, I have no way to easily check if I am free at that time according to my scheduled task commitments in Doit.im.

As a workaround, when I commit to a scheduled task, I add it to both Doit.im and my iCloud calendar. This means I can open up iCloud calendar to see my free time at a glance. But it takes more time to add events, and I can make errors remembering the exact date and time in two places.

I would greatly appreciate if scheduled tasks were automatically added and removed from my iCloud Calendar from Doit.im.

It would be even better if they kept in sync, so I could visually rearrange my schedule in iCloud calendar, and have my Doit.im tasks update accordingly.

Thank you for your hard work to this point!