Dear Doit team,
you did good job creating this project.
2 features I think that are really important, but missing in Doit:

1) ability to see all task on one screen (not calendar view) - with possibility to sort them (date, priority etc)
something similar to what i mean is already exist in Todoist (Next 7 days)

Currently in Doit there is a possibility to see:
all scheduled tasks in list view
all scheduled today and tomorrow on calendar view

2) and this is more important!!!
Please, give us an ability to Drag&Drop tasks in a calendar view,
so you can freely move tasks from one day to another
+ please make somekind of sidebar window in a calendar view where all tasks without date will be visible - so you can drag & drop from this list of unscheduled task to a day on a calendar and get a scheduled one.
This feature I cannot find almost anywhere (exept mayby for, but they lack others needed features)

Thank you in advance
Best Regards,