Q: What's Context?
A: Everything is done in a special place or under a certain circumstance, and that PLACE or CIRCUMSTANCE is called Context in our app. So you can add tasks with certain contexts and view the tasks with the same context together. For example, when you're at home, you just want to see tasks to do at home, so you just click "Home" context and can be focused on these tasks.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
07/07/2014 09:41#1
07/07/2014 12:49#2
The way I see it, the exact same applies to Tags as well. They are also used for contexts, e.g. people, places or tools that are needed in order to be able to do a task. Doit in fact has two entirely separate mechanisms for dealing with contexts - one called Contexts and one called Tags. And they are not in any way harmonized.
I think it is very good that we can group our lists by Context, like we can today. Just one single context (a context defined as a Context) will determine under which heading the task will be listed. It is also good that we can apply many contexts (contexts defined as Tags) to each task, because task can often require more contexts than just one, e.g. a certain task may require you to be Out with Mary and have your Computer with you and have plenty of Energy (a total of 4 contextual requirements - Out, Mary, Laptop and HighEnergy).
I think a good solution would be if ALL contexts were first defined as Tags, and then we could select among all these contexts (Tags) which ones (a subset) we want to use as "grouping contexts" (Contexts) for the lists. If a task has more than one of these Contexts defined for it, the task would be shown under the first Context in the user's definition list (left menu) - for example, if a task requires both @Person and @Out, and if these two context tags are listed in that order in the menu, then the task would be listed under @Person even if it also has the @Out tag. (Alternatively, you could show such tasks multiple times, once per Context. You could even have a toggle or preference setting for this.)
07/07/2014 15:00#3
Thank you for your answer. However, it might be useful to have more than 1 context per task, i.e. @Home and @Phone... It is not allowed, although multiple tags can be added to the same task.
07/08/2014 03:49#4
Do you mean that you want to do the task when your are home and have a Phone at your hand? Why not make the context @Home&Phone?
If you just want to mark the task,you'd better user tags. You can user tag filter to view and select the tasks.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
07/08/2014 08:21#5
You asked: "Why not make the context @Home&Phone?"
Answer: Because you will end up with a horrendous number of such combination contexts, with very few tasks in each, making the "grouped by context" views too cluttered to be of much use. And you will not be able to filter for, say, just @Phone or just @Home.
You said: "you'd better user tags. You can user tag filter to view and select the tasks".
Answer: Yes, then I can filter, but I cannot "group by" and I cannot easily select even the main ones in the left menu. Besides, the Tags in Doit have become less and less usable. First, they were made invisible, which means you cannot sufficiently easily verify them and therefore cannot trust them and therefore cannot really use them. Second, the tag filtering (tag cloud) has been hidden under a menu (less convenient).
Why don't you integrate Tags and Contexts? After all, both represent GTD contexts such as tools, places, people. A task can definitely require more than one such contextual factor, and you would definitely like to be able to find or exclude any combination of such factors, regardless of whether they are defined as Contexts or as Tags. At the same time you would like to have the most important contexts available as a grouping criterion, just like today. Therefore, I suggest that the Contexts should perhaps be implemented as a user selected SUBSET of the Tags, not as something entirely separate.