Do you all - developers and users - realize that if Doit had the regular attention star (like most other apps do), then there would be no need for any of these special features. If Doit had such a star we could simply look at the Next list and see both the currently starred next actions items, and all the rest of the next actions that are available.
plan today
when you are at 'plan today' and you select 'Get more to do from next' not all open task show up. why is that?
08/07/2014 11:30#1
08/08/2014 06:42#2
When you select 'Get more to do from next',all tasks in Next will be listed there.
Do you mean that you want all uncompleted tasks showed there?
Best regards, Team
08/13/2014 09:17#3
yes, that was my question, otherwise I feel that you don't have the complete overview of the open task you could add in that day
08/13/2014 09:46#4
Thank you for feedback.
Sorry that I could not understand why you need review other boxes in the daily plan.
Tasks in Next are which you should complete them ASAP. When you have left time today, you'd better get more to do from next.
Best regards, Team