Thank you for your feedback!
It is not in our developing plan yet. Could you please tell me why you need these records? Why do you need to know when you add the context to the task or when you change it?
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
Example 1:
If I have task "Bins" set for Today and I drag the task into Tomorrow, add a time stamped comment in the tasks stating "Focus changed from 07/08/2014 to 08/082014".
Example 2:
Add a timstamp showing the time and date a task was created, context, tags etc.
Created 08/08/2014 4:35 PM
Context Home
Priority High
Tags Household, Choes
Now if this task is moved into tomorrow it should add a timestamped with record such as
08/08/2014 4:37
Focus changed to 09/08/2014
This would help in tracking work a lot more. Should only be an opt-in function and if possible have options for what events are recorded, e.g. context changes, focus changes, Comments, Due Date changes, etc.
08/08/2014 09:05#1
08/09/2014 02:18#2
It would be VERY useful to see the AGE of a task (the "since" date), i.e the date on which it became POSSIBLE to do the task.
- For a Next action (for me to do) this is usually the creation date. It shows me how long I have ignored or struggled with this task without getting it done.
- For a Waiting For action (someone else's next action) this is usually also the creation date. It shows be how long someone else has ignored or struggled with this task without getting it done.
- For a Scheduled action (a GTD Tickler file item) this is usually the scheduled date. This is the date on which the Tickler item became possible to do.
- For a Someday/maybe task it is also usually the creation date.
If a task is moved between to or from the Today list should NOT affect the age (the "since" date).
One solution is to use the existing scheduled date field for this date information - for all tasks - but to let it contain a historic date except whenever it does not have a future start date (i.e. a "scheduled" date).