Can you add an option to Timestamp and records all actions within task comments?

Example 1:
If I have task "Bins" set for Today and I drag the task into Tomorrow, add a time stamped comment in the tasks stating "Focus changed from 07/08/2014 to 08/082014".

Example 2:
Add a timstamp showing the time and date a task was created, context, tags etc.
Created 08/08/2014 4:35 PM
Context Home
Priority High
Tags Household, Choes

Now if this task is moved into tomorrow it should add a timestamped with record such as
08/08/2014 4:37
Focus changed to 09/08/2014

This would help in tracking work a lot more. Should only be an opt-in function and if possible have options for what events are recorded, e.g. context changes, focus changes, Comments, Due Date changes, etc.