Thank you for your feedback!
Q: What's Next?
A: Actions to be done as soon as possible but with no exact start time are put here.
Q: What's Project?
A: A project is a multi-step task, composed of a series of related actions.
You'd better read the tutorials firstly. The link below is for web version:
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Best regards,
Doit.im Team
I understood i adding there only the most important project, which have same fuction as "next" but want see this project in left menu? - is this right?
.....therefore also dont know, where i should add task, which have only ONE task, no more, but cant be finished <2 minutes....
sorry for bad en thx for reply
09/01/2014 09:24#1
09/02/2014 16:21#2
so in "next folder" should be only ONE-STEP task? Thx
09/02/2014 16:28#3
"You'd better read the tutorials firstly. The link below is for web version:
and for windows version isnt turotial? thanks -
09/03/2014 00:12#4
An action must always belong to one of the main lists (Next, Waiting etc) and can optionally ALSO belong to a Project. There is no contradiction in using BOTH. In fact, using both is one of the things that make GTD apps powerful. I keep all my actions in Projects.
This is what the main categories mean:
In the Next actions folder you should have ALL actions that YOU are committed to doing personally (and which you have not agreed with someone to do on a particular date, e,g. an appointment, because if that is the case you keep them as Calendar action instead.)
In the Waiting For actions folder you should have all actions that you need OTHER people to get done.
In the Someday/Maybe folder you keep all actions that you are not sure need to be done at all.
If something is not possible to even analyze and decide on now you would (in GTD) put it in the Tickler file, but in this and other GTD apps this is usually called Scheduled.
Now, a Project can contain many actions. Often, the majority are Next actions. There can be many Next actions in a project, all possible to do right now in any order. And there can be many Waiting For actions. Personally I also use Someday actions even in projects for Plan B type of stuff.
There can also be actions in the project that are not possible or relevant until some of the other actions in the project have first been completed. Perhaps you want to mark those actions and keep them aside. I recommend you to use a suitable workaround for this. My own workaround is to use Priority None for these "future" actions, and I usually put these Priority None actions in Someday to keep them away from Next or Waiting until it is drawing nearer. -
09/03/2014 03:35#5
Every version has some different things. It is the tutorial for Widnows version:
Best regards,
Doit.im Team