I agree that Doit is my app of choice. But I disagree that Doit is more GTD compatible. It is actually less GTD than many others, and is even directly anti-GTD in the way it handles dates. The whole Today list concept in Doit assumes that you have firmly scheduled some tasks to be done today, and it is even measured whether you are punctual or not in doing your tasks on that date. GTD is based on situational choices of what you will do, Basically, you "take it as it comes", except for those few things that are objectively tied by external agreement etc to be done exactly today or any other particular day.
I am sure many of Doit's users do not care much for GTD, and even prefer this "time management" approach that Doit has, but I for one resent Doit's time management features, and in particular I hate the inability to simply "star" things for my attention - like David Allen's "white index card" of things you want to keep handy.
I have noticed that many GTD users have entirely left Doit and this forum due to all this focus on time management features and disinterest in convenient task selection features such as better filtering. I am still here because if Doit's colored priorities, which is a bit unusual among apps that also have the "GTD" set of Next, Waiting and Someday type lists.
Thank you thank you thank you!
I don't have any new feature to suggest. I just want to thank you for you work and this is the most suitable spot I found.
Big BIG THANK YOU for you work!!! You are the best - in fact, the only one - GTD compatible application. And so freaking great, clean and intuitive. You are making my life better every day.
Thank you again, your satisfied user :)
Big BIG THANK YOU for you work!!! You are the best - in fact, the only one - GTD compatible application. And so freaking great, clean and intuitive. You are making my life better every day.
Thank you again, your satisfied user :)
10/11/2014 17:43#1