I agree that filtering needs to be improved:
As you point out, one of the missing things is the ability to select by what Doit calls "Box" or "Starting Time", in other words the GTD categories Next, Waiting etc (nothing to do with "starting time", actually; this is a misnomer).
Another thing that would be useful (cf RememberTheMilk and Toodledo) is the ability to "nest" and combine criteria, e.g. "Next actions of priority red or blue" OR "Waiting For actions of priority red" OR "Next or Waiting actions with a deadline before Oct 31" etc etc.
A related requirement that then also emerges is a graphical indicator (color etc) for each "Box" to allow for flexible grouping of the filtered results. If you group by deadline or context etc you still need to see which "box" the task belongs to.
The ability to specifically EXCLUDE things would be immensely useful both in the advanced (saved) filter and in the quick tag filter.
Also the capability to filter without saving. Otherwise your list of filters gets cluttered very quickly.
Also the capability to define and save a filter without specifying the list, and be able to apply those saved filtering criteria to whatever list you are currently looking at. For example, you may often want want to look at your projects or contexts with some particular filter (e.g. eliminate Someday and distant Scheduled tasks).
Start time in filter
When I create filter, how do I achieve the following flitering?
1. Select those tasks in 'Waiting' list
2. Select those tasks that are in the 'Today' state
3. Exclude those tasks in 'Scheduled' from showing up
When I create filter, how do I achieve the following flitering?
1. Select those tasks in 'Waiting' list
2. Select those tasks that are in the 'Today' state
3. Exclude those tasks in 'Scheduled' from showing up
10/17/2014 09:05#1