I am willing to help with translation into Russian
10/26/2014 04:43#1
10/26/2014 16:40#2
@vadbars @superbizzon
We have translated this program to Russian language before. But users feedback that it is not good for reading as some Russian words are too long for the button to take and ask us to remove it. So we removed Russian language.
How do you think translating the FAQ to Russian?
Best regards,
Doit.im Team -
10/26/2014 21:05#3
we need russian language
10/27/2014 07:14#4
Sorry that we may not add it back in near future. If we support it, we need redesign the UI of apps. -
10/27/2014 17:02#5
@wendy_only FAQ can be translated into Russian as "ЧаВо". This means - "Частые вопросы", and it can be easily understanded by russian users. One more thing - FAQ is no need to translate.
I gave you 2 different translations and I think that for every case I can find the way how to translate.
It the translation is done I can offer the alternative translation for "long" words if you want. -
10/28/2014 09:08#6
Thank you for your information. We will consider your suggestion seriously.
We have recorded down your suggestion. We may not make it in near future. We plan to support some other language at the same time. We need some time to think clear how to make this issue.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
12/05/2014 09:22#7
It is too bad that you don`t want to add a russian translate to web-version and download-version of your system. There are many people who can`t to use your system just because they don`t understand english.
I like your system. It is realy beautifull and usefull. But i can`t to present it to my parants and many friends, because they are dont understand english.
Your unswer about «long words» it is fun. russian language have many differents words with same means. One of your clients above was proposed to find these short synonyms. Then it is not necessary to alter the design. Add just 1 more file of translation — what could be easier? -
12/08/2014 09:17#8
We plan to support more languages and add an option in app for you to choose. What do you think? -
12/08/2014 09:17#9
We plan to support more languages and add an option in app for you to choose. What do you think? -
12/15/2014 10:06#10
My wife needs in russian translation too. Please follow up this topic )
12/15/2014 12:41#11
we need russian language
12/16/2014 07:20#12
@anytochka892007 @stef2k
Thank you for your suggestion.
We plan to support more languages and add an option in app for you to choose.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team -
01/07/2015 11:10#13
I have translated the program TickTick.com (web, android, soon chrome ext. & iOS) into Russian. It is your competitors!
Ready to help with translating Doit.im. You wrote that the Russian translation is already there. Give us the opportunity to correct this translation, making the shorter translations.The Russian market for such programs is very large. Why do you lose it? :)
Happy holidays and thanks for a good program! -
01/08/2015 03:56#14
Thank you for your suggestion. We will take your suggestion into consideration taking back the Russian version.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team -
01/12/2015 11:59#15
Please, add russian language
01/12/2015 13:21#16
Please, add russian language
01/13/2015 07:42#17
@Proekt @coizar
Thank you for your feedback. We are considering this issue now.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team -
01/13/2015 11:32#18
Перевод на русский язык позволит вывести вашу программу в лидеры на российском рынке. А богатство русского языка без проблем позволит подобрать синонимы для любого англоязычного обозначения. Тем более вам готовы бесплатно помочь наши уважаемые русскоязычные пользователи. Вперед, за русским интерфейсом! Желаю успехов в развитии проекта! -
01/14/2015 07:16#19
Hi, Thank you for your support.
Привет, Спасибо за вашу поддержку. -
01/19/2015 05:51#20
Please, add russian language -
01/20/2015 10:14#21
Please, add russian language
01/21/2015 06:48#22
@Mishuk @Andrei_ural
Thank you for your feedback. We are considering this issue now.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team -
02/13/2015 06:04#23
Please, add russian language
02/13/2015 13:51#24
Hi, Thank you for your feedback. :) -
04/06/2015 21:57#25
Please, add russian language
04/07/2015 02:34#26
Thank you for your suggestion. We are considering this issue now. -
04/14/2015 16:58#27
also vote for russian!
04/14/2015 18:39#28
And how about French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Serbocroatian, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Polish, Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Czech, Japanese, Bahasa, Thai, Hindi, Tamil, Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, Swahili ....just to mention a few - really international ;-)
04/15/2015 01:57#29
Thank you for your feedback.
We will take your suggestion into consideration.
Thank you for your support.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team -
04/21/2015 07:45#30
I want russian
04/22/2015 04:11#31
Thank you for your feedback.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team -
05/17/2015 22:59#32
Your great prog. If there is also a Russian - is just wow)
05/18/2015 02:03#33
Thank you for your support. We will try our best to make it. -
05/25/2015 09:19#34
Just give us access to google docs spreadsheet and we will have this translation ready in a week. Put the max lenght where it is needed. I do not see the problem, I've done it this way before with some apps. The owner just gave me access. The spreadsheet had a column for each language. And if somebody doesn't like translation - it can be discussed and corrected - or he/she can switch back to English.
P.S. all spreadsheet changes can be viewed and undone if needed. -
05/26/2015 03:24#35
Thank you for your feedback. When we need it, we will consider using your suggestion.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team -
05/26/2015 20:39#36
Language support is just one of many feature requests. I do not understand why Russian would be an exception. How about all those people who speak other languages? And why is UI language so important compared with other missing features? I think the focus should be on rounding off some of all the half-finished features in Doit before embarking on pure luxuries like native languages. (I am not an English speaker myself, but I am prepared to sacrifice that to get some more universal features instead.)
05/27/2015 11:35#37
@Folke English is not a problem for me, but I would like to collaborate with people around me who do not know English and most likely they won't use this app because it does not have our language...
06/09/2015 14:06#38
This is a private comment.
06/10/2015 03:35#39
Hi, Thank you for your support. -
06/10/2015 14:24#40
I am willing to help with translation into Russian
06/11/2015 03:31#41
Hi, Thank you for your support. When we start to translate it, we will contact with you. :)
11/17/2015 12:11#42
Please, add russian language!
11/18/2015 01:49#44
@Larus Hey,we want to add too.
We are now looking for volunteers to translate for us.
Would you please give us some more time? -
11/20/2015 10:18#45
we need russian language
11/22/2015 01:55#46
Russians can sometimes be very loud and insistent, but please be aware that there are even more people in the world who speak other languages, e.g. Spanish and Hindi. So please do not overlook all these people just because they are not equally loud. Their wallets weigh equally heavy and so do their desires.
Personally I think one day when you have improved the more necessary features you could implement a solution where anybody can plug-in whatever list of translations they want, containing items such as #311 "Press button" could be replaced with #311 "Taste drücken" or #311 "Appuyez sur le bouton" or whatever the user want. The Groups forum could be one good place for people to share such lists of translations (or rewordings even within the default language). -
01/11/2016 14:49#47
This is a great app! And it is very important to add Russian language.
It's not a question of convenience and comfort, this greatly expands the range of regular users which will increase future revenue of your team.
Other analogues have long had Russian localization (such as "Todo" or "Todoist"), have been thinking to switch to them just because of the Russian language.
Ready to help in translation to Russian language. (my contacts in profile) -
01/12/2016 03:00#48
@ToxiG @Folke Hi there, thanks for your support and we will take your need into account.
01/17/2016 18:39#49
Добрый день. Очень хочется русифицированную версию приложения и добавьте пожалуйста создание шаблонов с последующим копированием в задачи (проекты)
01/18/2016 03:23#50
@kirill0309 Hi there, we will take the function of task model into account. Thanks for your advice.
02/01/2016 21:17#51
we realy need it!
02/01/2016 23:24#52
@werewolph We understand your need now and have taken this need into consideration.
06/08/2016 09:51#53
06/08/2016 12:43#54
@DrPBD We will take your need into account. ^_^
06/21/2016 17:18#55
We wait!
06/22/2016 02:09#56
@AltsGamer We have taken this need into consideration now :)
07/10/2016 19:42#57
Please!! Translate it )))
07/11/2016 02:18#58
@s2xs Hi,
Thank you for your feedback.
We have taken this need into consideration now.
Thank you for your support. -
06/11/2018 00:10#59
I stopped paying for the Pro account. To understand and remember what all unfamiliar English words mean too long. Without this, it is impossible to work quickly and fruitfully. I turn to a simple Google calendar, there is at least all the menus are clear what they mean.
Hello customer focus! -
07/13/2018 14:47#60
@mischael1 Sorry that we still don't have the translation plan yet.
We've been thinking of making the app easier to use. But it would not be that soon. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Nice day!