Thank you for your feedback!
We want to know why you need this feature. Could you please tell me more information about your workaround with contexts now?
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
11/06/2014 09:49#1
11/06/2014 13:34#2
One great advantage with hierarchical contexts in Omnifocus is its ability to allow having quite detailed contexts without having to apply more than one context to the task, and still allow me to look either at a precise context (sub-context or sub-sub-context) or at a whole group of contexts.
If I have a main (top level) context called @Person, I could have sub-contexts called @Supplier, @Client, @Family etc, and specific individual contexts under that, e.g, @John. I could then label a task with @John and still see it when grouping or filtering by @Person. If i look at the list or group for @Person I will see all tasks that require some specific person, regardless of how specifically or how generalIy I have labeled the task.
The same is true for a context like @Errands, with sub-contexts such as @Supermarket etc
It would be very good if all the contexts (and sub-contexts) were also available for quick filtering using the tag bar. -
11/07/2014 09:15#3
Thank you for your detailed description.
We will take it into consideration. It may be in our developing plan for next year.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team