Like many others, I am using Doit for GTD, and a continual frustration is the absence of task dependency. When I view Next, the whole purpose is to have a list of tasks that can be addressed immediately. However, if a task cannot be undertaken until another task is complete, currently I still see it.

The default reply to this complaint seems to be to use "Waiting" and then manually move tasks to Next when the task they rely on is complete, but this is a) cumbersome and b) in conflict with the intent of the Waiting status in GTD methodology.

Here's an example.

I currently have a project to consolidate, archive, and store various household clutter. This includes a task to estimate the cost of paying to have paper files digitized by a scanning service. To accomplish this task, first I have to estimate the number of pages in my files.

So, the feature I would like would enable the two tasks to be in the same project, and have "Estimate cost" dependent on "Estimate number of pages". So when I create the project, "Pages" is placed in Next and "Cost" is not. Then, when "Pages" is marked as complete, "Cost" automatically moves to Next.

The dependent "Cost" task is not truly Waiting. It would be waiting if, for example, my wife was tasked with compiling a list of possible vendors prior to me estimating the cost based on their pricing. Different thing entirely: I can't directly cause Waiting tasks to be available Next Actions, but I can cause dependent tasks to become available next actions by completing the task they depend on.

If this feature is delivered in a similar way to what I have described, it will be an outstanding addition to an already solid product.

I know I am rehashing a need that has been expressed by others, but as a mostly satisfied user, and an enthusiastic evangelist of your software (I have recruited multiple other regular users), I wanted to voice my frustration with this particular shortcoming.

