Doit.im HD is an older version, which supports iOS 5.0 and later version; Doit.im for iPhone is the latest version of the design, which supports iOS 7.0 and later version. This version will continually being updated.
You may select the appropriate Doit.im version according to your phone system. We recommend that you could use Doit.im for iPhone to enjoy the best service we offer.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
Difference between doit.im HD and doit.im for iPhone
The iTunes store has both "doit.im HD" and "doit.im for iPhone". Both of these are being regularly updated, and they seem to overlap quite a bit. I have used both of those apps on my phone and tablet, but have not had both installed at the same time. I went to your doit.im website hoping to find clarification, but found to reference to the HD product there. Based on the version numbers, it appears that the website is dealing with the doit.im for iPhone product. How can I get some clarification concerning the differences between these two apps?
11/09/2014 06:50#1
11/10/2014 03:17#2
This is a private comment.
11/10/2014 09:11#3
You are more welcome. :)