Hi there!

Google has recently released a new way of interacting with e-mail, where they regard e-mails as to-do items which can be "marked done" (archived). I am currently running an early version of the software, and it is quite amazing.
What would be even more amazing, would be if I could (just like calendar sync) synchronise my scheduled (including today) tasks with my google inbox. Ideally I'd also be able to check item off there, resulting in the item being checked off in doit.im as well. And in an even more perfect world, snoozing an item to a specific date/time would also result in the same feature in doit.im. This would also allow me to use the google "location reminder" feature, but that is less important to me.
I know this is probably a lot to ask for, and I don't know if it's technologically feasible or if it fits within your business plan, but it would be an amazing feature.
It would allow me to do my weekly review and life planning in doit.im and view what to do on the go within google inbox.

Kind regards,
