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Q1: Manual reordering of tasks: This is something I depend on a lot.
A: In GTD, a task should be done based on the context, the time available, and the energy available. And there is no need to sequence the tasks in the order you like to complete. For your suggestion, we will seriously consider it and may make manual reordering available in some of task lists.
Q2: GTD Next: I find it useful to see all my "possible to do now" tasks, i.e. all GTD Next task, on one screen.
A: Do you want to make all the uncompleted tasks listed in one place? If you need a box that show you all the tasks, we are just considering it.
Q3: Priorities: The way I would like to use priorities, they would be relative to the particular list the task is on. For example, if I have a Someday task of High priority, I would take this to mean that it is quite likely that I will decide to turn it into a Next action. When at some stage I actually make it a Next action, it should not keep its High priority, but should be changed to Normal priority by default, Similarly, if you have a High Priority Next action that you star. When seen from the Today list, this task should now be shown as a Normal priority by default, and you should be able to change the priority separately on the Today list. If you subsequently unstar the task, it should revert to the original priority it had on the Next list before it was starred.
A: Good point! We'll make sure the development team gets this for review.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
One nice thing in particular, that I have not seen in other apps, is the lightning icon for "do now" as a subset of today. Should be very useful :-)
What I miss, or have not found yet, are:
1) Manual reordering of tasks: This is something I depend on a lot.
2) GTD Next: I find it useful to see all my "possible to do now" tasks, i.e. all GTD Next task, on one screen.
3) Priorities: The way I would like to use priorities, they would be relative to the particular list the task is on. For example, if I have a Someday task of High priority, I would take this to mean that it is quite likely that I will decide to turn it into a Next action. When at some stage I actually make it a Next action, it should not keep its High priority, but should be changed to Normal priority by default, Similarly, if you have a High Priority Next action that you star. When seen from the Today list, this task should now be shown as a Normal priority by default, and you should be able to change the priority separately on the Today list. If you subsequently unstar the task, it should revert to the original priority it had on the Next list before it was starred.
Is any of this already there? Is any of it planned?
05/20/2013 07:07#2
05/20/2013 09:49#3
Thanks for the quick and supportive answer, Michelle. That is one more thing to like :-)
I haved added some Clarifications (C:) below:
Q1: Manual reordering of tasks: This is something I depend on a lot.
A: In GTD, a task should be done based on the context, the time available, and the energy available. And there is no need to sequence the tasks in the order you like to complete. For your suggestion, we will seriously consider it and may make manual reordering available in some of task lists.
C: Yes, I agree totally that context, time available, energy and priority are the four selection criteria in GTD. But these are not always easily quantifiable or taggable. They can be quite fuzzy and overlapping. For example, for different errands there may be slightly different ranges of clothes that will be acceptable. Energies and moods can come in many shades. And so on. Therefore, reading and judging the tasks "manually" still plays an important part even in computerized GTD, and this is where manual reordering becomes a powerful and versatile tool for the underlying fine-tuning of your list, such that you can place "subjectively similar" tasks close to each other, or can order your tasks by some tentative finer priority or likelihood or sequence etc, in order to find them more easily when you read the list. One special case when this is important is when you star and then unstar a task. Right now in doit the unstarred task goes to the bottom - I would prefer it to stay in the original (manual) position.
Q2: GTD Next: I find it useful to see all my "possible to do now" tasks, i.e. all GTD Next task, on one screen.
A: Do you want to make all the uncompleted tasks listed in one place? If you need a box that show you all the tasks, we are just considering it.
C: I was thinking primarily of Today + Next, i.e. all the tasks that are possible for me to choose today. This would be the full GTD Next set, where Today is just a subset, David Allen's "white index card". Starring of a task cannot be irreversible. The starred set is always highly tentative. Many things can happen during the day (context, energy etc), and I may have to choose different tasks, previously not starred, or choose to unstar some of the tasks that I had previously believed I would do. Therefore it is handy (almost necessary) to always be able to see the starred tasks in their right position in the Next list.
Q3: Priorities: The way I would like to use priorities, they would be relative to the particular list the task is on. For example, if I have a Someday task of High priority, I would take this to mean that it is quite likely that I will decide to turn it into a Next action. When at some stage I actually make it a Next action, it should not keep its High priority, but should be changed to Normal priority by default, Similarly, if you have a High Priority Next action that you star. When seen from the Today list, this task should now be shown as a Normal priority by default, and you should be able to change the priority separately on the Today list. If you subsequently unstar the task, it should revert to the original priority it had on the Next list before it was starred.
A: Good point! We'll make sure the development team gets this for review.
C: I am glad you find it a useful idea :-) -
05/21/2013 08:57#4
Q1: Manual reordering of tasks: This is something I depend on a lot
A: Thank you for your patient explanation. We will consider improving it in the future.
Q2: GTD Next: I find it useful to see all my "possible to do now" tasks, i.e. all GTD Next task, on one screen.
A: Tasks in Today are those you are quite sure that need to be done today. When you completes tasks in Today, then you may go to Next, pick some that you think can be done today. Actions to be done as soon as possible but with no exact start time are put in Next box. An excellent time manager, his Today must be reliable, and he hardly has other time to do extra things that are not in the Today list.
Later, we will consider adding a filter condition - "filter by Box". Thus, when selecting Today and Next in filter setting, you can create a filter box to view tasks in both Today and Next.
Thank you for your support. -
05/21/2013 15:25#5
Thanks Michelle,
Re Q1: I am very glad that you are considering manual reordering, as this can be quite difficult to live without, especially when you have many tasks in each section of the list.
Re Q2: I understand what you mean, and I believe many users are probably okay with this, too, and I myself am quite flexible, so you can probably leave it as it is. But please let me add some additional thoughts about what I am really after (which no app has, as far as I know) for your future consideration:
To me, very little is absolutely certain in the morning. I do not know in advance what combinations of context, energy, time available and momentaneous priorities I will experience later in the day, and I also do not know what entirely new tasks and other changes will come up during the day. Everything can change.
Therefore, if I make a Today list, it will either be extremely short or quite tentative, For example, if I have an appointment in the southern part of town (considered certain) I might also star a few errands around that area, but if I later did not have time to do these errands after all, then I will simply unstar them. Or if the meeting venue is changed to another location, I might star a few different errands instead and unstar the previous ones. And if the whole meeting is postponed I will unstar everything. This is why i like the starring to be fully reversible - if I unstar a task it should go back to its original position and state exactly as it was before.
In order not to have to switch between different lists, and not have to remember the other lists while looking at one list in particular list (I have poor memory), I would find it very useful to be able to see the following things on one single list:
- calendar actions (appointments etc)
- other definitive actions (will do / must do)
- other hot candidate actions (based on my most up-to-date knowledge and expectations of contexts, energy, locations, priorities etc)
- a filtered set of additional possible actions (e.g. see all other errands, too, in order to be able to star some of these while still seeing everything else that is already starred, and possibly unstar some of those. In other words, adjust the tentative starred set.)
Alternative solution, perhaps?: Instead of keeping starred actions visible on the Next list, as I first suggested, maybe another approach would be to introduce a third icon meaning "hot candidate action"- in addition to the "star" and the the "flash" icons, introduce, say, a "moon" icon, which enables you to see your shortlist of "hot" possible additional actions on the same page (Today) as the more "certain" ones, but under a separate heading below.
But all this is for the future, of course :-)
Thanks a lot for your great patience and your willingness to interact with us users and all the funny ideas we may have :-)
Xie xie ni, ni hao ji-le :-) -
05/22/2013 10:07#6
Thank you for your suggestion.
We will take your situation into account.
Feedback is, as always, greatly welcome. If you have any more idea about us, please don't hesitate to contact us.
We would like to listen to and communicate with you. :)
05/22/2013 10:11#7
@Folke By the way, any idea about this topic? http://help.doit.im/topics/517