1) I totally agree with
"Show tasks moved to "today" still in "next" sometimes I mark a task as important by selecting "today" (much like Nirvanahq.com or nozbe have done)"
And it applies to Waiting also (i.e. other people's next actions that I am waiting for)
2) Well, if that is all you want, they already have it (the "Show one / Show all" switch). The problem is that this does not really serve its purpose. Many (or most) projects have more than one next action, so by showing just one you see too little and by showing all you see too much. It needs to be set individually for each task within the project whether it should be "inactive" (hidden within the project only), or whether it should be fully visible on its "main list" (Next, Waiting etc).
1) Show tasks moved to "today" still in "next" sometimes I mark a task as important by selecting "today" (much like Nirvanahq.com or nozbe have done). Alternatively there should be a very very simple way of sending tasks for "today" back to "next"
2) In the "Next" view online, it would be best if we could select to view the top next-action for each project, plus all the unassigned task. I have many projects and it otherwise becomes overwhelming to try to take everything in.
John Eric
12/07/2014 12:38#1
12/16/2014 07:56#2
The real problem about Folke's comment #2 is an app / software really can't suggest what you should do next. A to-do app is somewhat limited in being a task list, however fancy and powerful it is. Any step further involve too much understanding of the nature of your task and your workflow to be useful. With that said, omnifocus' parallel / sequential idea is pretty close to being useful, but I doubt the amount of effort setting it up is worthwhile.
For me the best strategy for me so far is to keep task lists from growing large, and prioritize things manually (doit does support dragging which is nice). For more complex projects, I use doit to aggregate ideas coming from different time and eventually convert them into other project planning tools.