Do you refer to the left-side menu in landscape mode? When you open the viewing/editing page of a task/project, it will be a narrow strip just as you described. Do you mean that it' s to narrow and you want to make it much wider?
Thank you for your feedback and support.
Bad use of space in iPad app in landscape mode
This is still a real problem with me. True, it is only a cosmetic problem, but it really bothers me. I use my iPad exclusively in landscape orientation. I do not understand why the entire screen is not better utilized when in landscape mode. The narrow strip of actions seems out of place. Why not have it expanded in landscape mode? Please consider this modification.
05/22/2013 02:14#1
05/22/2013 13:39#2
In landscape mode, the list of next actions is a narrow strip. There is all of that space to the right that is not used. This looks fine, of course, in portrait mode, but not in landscape.
05/23/2013 07:11#4
@Armistead We are now making a better design for the app and will take you suggestion into consideration.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you for your support. -
05/23/2013 12:46#5
Wonderful! I can't wait to see the newly redesigned iPad app!! -
05/24/2013 02:31#6
@Armistead We will try our best to speed up the pace of development. Please be patient.
Thank you for your great support.