Which account do you want to change to from nicholas@wax.dk? mail@nicholasb.dk, this one?
Thank you for your support.
05/23/2013 02:52#1
05/23/2013 16:00#2
Yes that is correct that is the one. Thanks for your help.
BR Nicholas -
05/24/2013 02:00#3
But there has been a Doit.im account registered with mail@nicholasb.dk. If you insist on changing the email from nicholas@wax.dk to mail@nicholasb.dk., you have to manually delete the account with mail@nicholasb.dk. Then we can help you change it. Go to Preferences - Account Info on the web version and you can delete the account.
If you want to merge data in nicholas@wax.dk into mail@nicholasb.dk, we feel so sorry, it is not supported. :(
Thank you for your feedback.
05/30/2013 09:44#5
We feel so sorry that we have to close this ticket for you have't replied it for a long time. :( If you have any more questions about it or any new feedback on Doit.im, please feel free to start a new one.
Thank you for your support.