
I'd like to be able to add a deadline and (less importantly) a time-estimated to new to-do's added through quick-add or batch-add, because I really like the quick add feature but often have to search my tasks after adding them to set a deadline.

For example:
Deadlines: maybe "|"?
|18-02-2015 would set the deadline to the eighteenth of february (absolute dating)
|monday would set the deadline to next monday (relative dating)
|2m would set the deadline to two months from now
|2w would set the deadline to two weeks from now
|15d would set the deadline to 15 days from now
|2w3d would set the deadline to two weeks and 3 days from now
(and maybe something like |2wmonday for the monday in two weeks?)

Time Estimated: maybe "~"?
~15 would set the estimated time at 15 minutes
~1:40 would set the estimated time to 1 hour and 40 minutes

Kind regards,
