For consistency, yes.
But in practice I would have no use for it. I currently only have 5 goals and 5 contexts and they seldom change. Manual sorting is all I need.
Goals serve a similar purpose in Doit as Areas or Folders serve in other apps. They are an "umbrella" (parent entity) for a number of projects. My 5 Goals are NewBusinessStartup1, NewBusinessStartup2, EstablishedBusiness, Non-Profit, Private.
Contexts and other situational factors (required location, tools, people, time, energy etc) are implemented as two separate features in Doit, called Contexts and Tags. Only the Contexts are visible, which is good. But you can only apply one to each task, which is a limitation. You can group your lists by Context, which is very useful - in fact it is the main use as far as I can see. I find it convenient to have my lists grouped in a reasonable number of contexts only, depending on what is the most rare context to happen spontaneously (most difficult for me to bring about at will). My 5 contexts are People, Out, Clearheaded, Base, Info. I always keep the manually sorted in that order. tasks that require specific other people's presence (face to face or by phone) are in the first group (Person). The least critical group is Info, which requires nothing special at all - perhaps just a tablet or simple computer, a wallet, shoes and other things that I always keep around. These tasks I can do virtually anytime.
Feature request - sort Goals and Contexts alphabetically
I love the feature to sort Projects Alphabetically. Would you also please add this for sorting Goals and Contexts too? I have created several of them, it would be nice feature add.
Thank you,
Tom Vanco
Thank you,
Tom Vanco
02/24/2015 18:15#1
02/25/2015 15:21#2
- Manual sorting is all I need.
I am of the same opinion as you.
Also manual sorting needed for tasks (group by start) and filters