Hi, doit.im is fantastic by the way and helps me manage my professional responsibilities well.

I have two suggestions for feature, and the first should be hard to implement and would be very useful

One thing I do like to do, is to click on 'next' or 'today' in focus and bring a summary of outstanding items to meetings.

I would like to be able to filter what is shown. i.e a particular project, or even a particular goal. I know you can sort by project, deadline, context etc but I want to be able to filter out goals that aren't relevant to a particular meeting.

I use 'goal' for particular projects
'projects' to be tasks or deliverables in that project
I then put tasks in under each 'project' in order to manage it.

If I go to a meeting and print out 'next' in focus for example I don't want other project tasks to be shown that aren't related. Particularly as I manage some personal stuff on this too.

2) In that same view, i.e the focus view, it would be nice to be able to expand the tasks so subtasks are available so I have a full summary of where I am
