
Simply the only task management that could capture the essence GTD! Congratulations!

I use RTM and I am looking to trade due to some bugs ... I tested several (, GQueues, Todoist, Wunderlist, flow, wrikle ...) applications and their enchanted me.

However, I saw on the blog several orders who are unresponsive or without solution ... there will be alterations when?

Follow my perceptions:

> Send a task by email (placing date, tag, etc.) - does not exist
> Creating a folder (Example References)
> Assign a responsible without necessarily owning it the and send an email with the task
> Insert task voice (as in Evernote)

I hope to contribute ... I'm "aaalllmoosstt" turning PRO ..... Thank you!

PS: I translated by google and checked, sorry if there were errors. :-)