I guess "Context", "Tag", "Assign to" and the ability to add a "Comment" would be the best choice.
When a task is moved to Scheduled we get a pop up calendar to select the date (and time) it is scheduled for.
How about doing something similar when moving a task to Waiting by dragging it (it would be redundant when editing the task manually). The pop up could include the Context, Tag and Assign to fields, making it very quick and easy to enter information on who or what the task is waiting for.
This could be done without making any structural changes such as enabling assignment to non-doit-users, and it would continue to work as intended if that feature is ever introduced in the future.
03/06/2015 08:59#1
03/06/2015 09:43#2
Thank you for your feedback.
Could you please tell me why you need the pop up only when you move the task to Waiting?
Best regards,
Doit.im Team -
03/06/2015 11:27#3
+1 It would be a handy feature -
03/06/2015 14:50#4
When I move something to Waiting it is either because somebody else will be doing it or because I cannot proceed with the task until somebody else has delivered some necessary input. When I move a task to Waiting I would like to tag it with the name of the person I'm waiting for or add a description of the reason the task is on hold (e.g. a comment). I would not use context for this, but other people may, since it's basically a work around for not being able to assign tasks to people who are not Doit users.
When I move a task to Scheduled there is already a pop up, in that case for the scheduled date. And Tomorrow is really only a special case of Scheduled.
When I'm moving tasks between Today, Next, and Someday, I don't really find myself needing to change tags or contexts or adding comments that often, so the pop up would be intrusive rather than helpful. If I do need to add something, I would do it manually by editing the task. (In my opinion Today shouldn't be a list at all, it should be a prioritized view of starred items in Next and possibly elsewhere - Today is more of a focus than a proper list, but that's a totally different discussion.)
Anyway, from experience I find that I usually want to add something about what I'm waiting for when moving a task to Waiting. I usually don't find that I need to add anything simply because I'm moving between the other lists. -
03/08/2015 09:05#5
Thank you for your feedback.
We plan to make it be able to assign tasks to people who are not Doit users.
We will do a research on your suggestion and take it into consideration.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team