To make this program fully GTD-compatible, it would be really helpful to be able to create start times, tags, etc. for sub-tasks.
There's been several instances where I have created a task under a project, then realize that task actually needs to become a "sub-project", that is there are many steps to that task, and it would be nice to be able to keep it associated with its original project.
The program is "fully GTD-compatible" without hierarchical tasks; the GTD model doesn't suggest that such a relationship actually needs to exist.
More importantly, if you assign start/due dates to Doit's subtasks (which are really treated more like a checklist than actual tasks by Doit) then you inherently include them in the time boxes with their parent tasks. It seems like this would be a disaster for the average user. It would be more appropriate to request that we be able to nest projects than to recommend adding date attributes to the existing subtasks.