Thank you for your feedback.
We have a calendar widget on Android app. Do you ever use it? Please have a try.
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Best regards,
Doit.im Team
03/09/2015 07:08#1
03/09/2015 11:43#2
I think there is a more fundamental issue that needs to be resolved before any other calendar related functionality can even be discussed in a meaningful way.
The current "Scheduled" feature can be used for two entirely different things, and it is vital to keep them separated:
1) They can be used for appointments and other tasks that are truly fixed in time (must be done on that day/time). These are called Calendar actions in the GTD methodology.
2) They can be used for incubating tasks that cannot be started until a certain day at the very earliest. These are not necessarily meant to be actually done on the "scheduled" date itself, but they will be "hidden" until that date in order not to "pollute" your Next and Waiting lists. These are called Tickler file items in the GTD methodology.
For Tickler file items (case 2 above) it is usually quite pointless (even negative) to see them on your calendar. They would essentially pollute the calendar and make it more difficult to see the fixed appointments and other true Calendar actions that must be done on that day and which therefore limit your availability for doing other things on that day.
For Calendar actions (case 1 above), many of us use an external calendar, such as GCal, but it can be a great advantage if these are visible both within Doit and in the external calendar - and even in built-in calendars (especially for people who do not use an external calendar).
Some minor tweaks would be necessary to make all of this work flawlessly:
A) Some kind of separation of Calendar vs Tickler actions would be necessary. One way would be (in task create/edit) to have a checkbox called Calendar that controls whether or not the action will be shown on the calendar. Another solution is to have a "box" called Calendar, and to allow actions of all types (Calendar, Next, Waiting, Inbox) to have a Start date (in other words not have a separate "box" for Ticklers; instead, a future start date indicates a Tickler if the "box" is other than Calendar)
B) Non-destructive, selective syncing with multiple calendars. Doit already can sync with GCal, even with multiple calendars, even with shared calendars, and all this is a big and important step in the right direction, but to be useful it would need to be a bit more intelligent. Doit cannot be allowed to modify or delete actions in these calendars just because you trash or complete them within Doit - the calendar items may still be essential for other people or for you yourself as a journal of appointments.
When all this is done, I think the time is right to bring up the question: Are built-in calendar views necessary, or is it smarter (leaner; sufficient) to just have the GCal sync.