* I meant expanding task A and seeing the other tasks in a hierarchy of order:
And if I want to see the whole project plan, to be able to expand task A and show the other tasks in the order that they are planned after that:
If I have 100 actions in Next, but only 20 can be done now, and to do each of the other 80 I need to complete one of the 20 tasks first, then it can be overwhelming and very distracting to see all the 100 tasks, when I can look at just the 20 tasks that I can do now.
03/16/2015 16:02#1
03/17/2015 02:59#2
In Next,you could manual sort tasks. You could order your tasks A,B,C,D. Please select One mode and group by tasks. Then you will only see the task A. When you complete the task A,you will see the task B.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team -
03/17/2015 19:53#3
"Please select One mode and group by tasks". Can you explain how to do it? I couldn't find it.
03/18/2015 03:52#4
Which version do you use?
Mac version: http://faq.doit.im/mac.html#98
iPhone app: http://faq.doit.im/iphone_7.html#124
Best regards,
Doit.im Team -
03/18/2015 12:01#5
I use web, windows and Android versions
03/19/2015 02:57#6
Web version does not support this feature yet. For Windows version: http://faq.doit.im/windows.html#98
Best regards,
Doit.im Team