Thank you for your feedback
Q1: re-ordering tasks / manual ordering (by drag & drop)
A: We are considering supporting it. Please be patient.
Q2: greying out tasks instead of moving them to "completed" right away when they are ticked off (this gives a much nicer impression of progress as the day goes; tasks are then moved to "completed" when the day is over)
A: On Doit.im for web, you can do a daily review every day, which gives you an overall view of complete & uncompleted tasks. http://enblog.doit.im/post/28478169479/review-making-it-possible-to-write-a-report-with-more
Q3: for desktop (mac): adding tasks "inline" by pressing e.g. space, additionally to the "smart add" bar.
A: Could you please describe it in detail? Now, Space is used to view tasks. And to add a task in its full mode, please use the key combination, Command + N.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
I'm potentially a new user of doit.im, and am looking for a replacement to Things Mac. I was wondering whether the following features are on the roadmap, and when they would become available:
- re-ordering tasks / manual ordering (by drag & drop)
- greying out tasks instead of moving them to "completed" right away when they are ticked off (this gives a much nicer impression of progress as the day goes; tasks are then moved to "completed" when the day is over)
- for desktop (mac): adding tasks "inline" by pressing e.g. space, additionally to the "smart add" bar.
Those features would make a transition from Things much easier.
05/28/2013 02:26#1
05/28/2013 07:31#3
Q1: great to hear this!
Q2: ok, will this be available on the desktop version in the future? Nonetheless though, I find that seeing completed tasks in the active context, such as "Today", is rewarding and gives an indication of progress along the day. In one way, it is an analogy of working with a sheet of paper and crossing items out as the day goes by - the items are done, but the progress is still visible on the paper. To be honest, this is one of the things I like the most about Things, to get an impression of what's been done when looking at the "Today" view.
Q3: I didn't know about the Command + N option - it doesn't seem to be documented in the help. What I meant was to quicky create a task as if it were a new item on the list, without additional window or need to scroll or use the mouse. With the Command + N window, it would be nice if the task was created upon pressing "Enter", now it looks like I have to click the "Save" button (or, press Cmd+S as I discovered - but I'd find "Enter" a lot more in line with how other software usually works).
Talking about keyboard shortcuts: is there a keyboard shortcut for marking a task as finished?
In general, I think that doit.im would just fit my needs, if there was a way to customize the keyboard shortcuts on the Mac desktop application. I suppose that this would be the case for many users of Things Mac as well, who then could redefine their shortcuts to fit what they are used to and make the migration easier.
Manuel -
05/28/2013 10:22#4
1. In the future, we will support Review on the Mac app, including Daily review, Week review and Project review. Compared with that on the web version, it will be greatly improved. We hope you will like it when it is released.
2. Do you mean that you want the Smart-add box to always be shown on the task list?
When adding a task in the Smart-add box, you can use Enter to save, while adding a task in its full mode, you can't.
3. All the shortcuts we support now can be found in our FAQ. http://faq.doit.im/mac.html
In addition, you can see them in Doit.im preferences - Help. And later, we will try to add all the shortcuts to Doit.im Help.
Thank you for your support. -
05/31/2013 03:09#5
We feel so sorry that we have to close this ticket for you have't replied it for a long time. :( If you have any more questions about it or any new feedback on Doit.im, please feel free to start a new one.
Thank you for your support.