And Energy field :-)
1. Separate Checklist box.
Actions and Routines with checklists. You could also import checkpoints from previously created checklists whenever necessary.
2. GTD flow: Collect -> Process -> Review states. I love the Review especially. It's a 100% step by step implementation of David Allen's way.
2. No "Today" and "Tomorrow" boxes - in they somehow disturb GTD flow. Today should be merged with Scheduled and renamed simply to Calendar. There are already Next Week, Next Month and Later Tabs. Why not add Tomorrow and Today?
Star should go for Focus, but when I star something I don't want to necessary set date and move it to my calendar. If it was something I'm obliged to do on a given day I would place it in my calendar on the first place. It may take more than one session to complete some actions and I could plan to complete it in more than one day, not necessarily on following days. I wish I could Star and UnStar freely without being obliged to complete the task on the given day or manually deleting date and moving it back to the Next Actions list every time. Actually I use priority and Saved search to deal with that issue. Star is, in my opinion, misleading.
3. Full implementation of Perspectives
4. Way it handles Projects, although I would explicitly add Action states: In Progress (or Active) and Waiting (or Planed). They do function but implicitly. There's actually no way to have two actions from any given Project active on the same time - it would be beneficial in some cases. In Doit we have nothing alike.
5. Connecting Evernote notepads to Projects. Notepads act as the Reference Material filing system. In Doit we can only attach Evernote notes to actions. What about Reference Material? They belong to Projects not Actions!
6. Tickler File and Start dates. Actions go to Tickler File while having set a Start Date. When the day comes they will be moved to Next Actions list or to Calendar. Alen states, that they should be moved to Inbox again to explicitly decide what to do about them.
In there is no real Start Dates and no real Tickler. Scheduled are regular Calendar items and will eventually land in Today box. Instead they should form distinct and separate category and be moved to Inbox again, when the due time comes, because they are something different than calendar items.
What I don't like in is the price, graphical interface and some minor flaws.
Do you plan to make more GTD driven in some not very distant future?
03/23/2015 15:35#1
03/24/2015 03:34#2
Thank you for your feedback.
It is a big change if we make all your suggestion. We will take your suggestion into consideration and do a research on them.
Thank you for your support.
Best regards, Team -
03/24/2015 10:48#3
Personally I find Facilethings a bit clunky to use, and a bit restricted.
But I still agree wholeheartedly with some of the things @jacekrszewczyk is asking for, which I think are very important (in the second #2 paragraph and in #6):
- The boxes for Today and Scheduled should be a part of Scheduled.
- Scheduled could be renamed to Calendar (or Tickler)
- Calendar actions and Tickler actions should be separated
- Star/Focus should be independent of Today. We should be able to star and un-star anything without changing the date. (In true GTD most actions do not have a date.)
I would like to caution against using the term Waiting in connection with subsequent (dependent) project actions as in #4. In GTD the term Waiting For refers to things that other people will do, and may complete absolutely anytime now, even next minute. They are simply the Next actions (or Calendar actions) of other people. They will not necessarily be done any later than any of your own Next actions or Calendar actions. -
03/24/2015 22:21#4
@Folke I understand the distinction in #4 and completely agree with you. It could be misleading for some users and "Planned" is much better term. While having the action state set in place it would be easy to add automatic sequencing (i.e. after checking off the last active action in some Project, change status of its first "planned" action to "active") as an option for users willing to use it.
03/25/2015 00:26#5
#6 - I think I could also state differently. Tickler actions should of course be separated from Calendar actions and Next actions, should have separate box and separate date and while due should be moved to Inbox for further decision.
What about time model? What are Start dates and Due dates according to GTD?
The due date is a date when something is due :-) and should go to Calendar, that's for sure. In weekly review I check my Calendar - I make short and long term review and am looking for any new actions connected to calendar items. If I see there's something due and I need to prepare beforehand (for example "Give a speech" on some friday and I'm on a friday one week before) I will add necessary Next actions to prepare for the speech (for example "Read something" and "Prepare a presentation"). Or I could set a reminder one week before the due date of the action. Or could add something to tickler (for example "Start preparation for the speech").
But what about Start dates? There are no start dates in GTD methodology (or am I wrong)?
If there was the "Action state" field as proposed, a start date could act as a trigger for the next action state change (from "Planned" to "Active").In this way start date would differ from tickler date - the tickler action would be moved to Inbox when due and next action with start date set would be activated when due ("Planned start" date would be a third state of an "Action state" field).
In OmniFocus they use Status field (=Action state) and Defer until field (its logic is "don't show before that date").
I could imagine having only a Tickler field and no start dates at all.
03/25/2015 07:13#6
I agree, especially with second #2, "star", #5 and #6 (you have a non-trivial numbering in your post :). I hope will consider these suggestions.
I don't see a convenient way to deal with very big Next box. Starring a task in Next moves it to Today which is definitely not what I want. Manual sorting helps a bit, but I have to scroll down to see all the immediate next actions for all the projects (which are manually put to the top of each projects). -
06/17/2015 16:24#7
What about your research results?
06/26/2015 20:37#8
Any research results? -
06/27/2015 07:44#9
We are consideration them now.
Best regards, Team