Although I am perhaps not the right person to answer this I will at least try.
It sounds as if you are trying to block out time for working on specific projects. Doing that, as such, should not be too messy. Just enter the time blocks you want on a regular GCal calendar, e.g. "Project X" on Tuesday mornings. That should give you the kind of overview you are asking for.
I suppose the main problem comes if you also try to schedule each and every task and keep that calendar visible. That would make the calendar so cluttered that it is virtually unusable. It is also unpractical for other reasons (for many people) to schedule tasks. You may need to reschedule them so often that it is not worth the effort. And it is then also totally unreliable. If you can move things around at your own whim it does not really mean anything. And it makes it impossible to tell the difference between those few actions that are truly fixed in time with other people (e.g. appointments) and those that you have scheduled "arbitrarily" yourself and can move with just a stroke of a pen.
Personally I never schedule tasks at all and never view them on the calendar. The only exception is appointments and other "objectively agreed" events. I keep everything on my Next actions list and work from there, except that I every day "shortlist" a bunch of next actions to my Today list for convenient access. I also copy all appointments etc to my Today list in order to have it all on one single list. That is all.
I do in fact also use the "scheduled" feature, but not for scheduling. I use it for what GTD calls "ticklers", i.e. as a "not before" date, for example "buy Christmas three". I may set the start date for this to Dec 15. Until then I do not need to see it cluttering my Next list, because it is irrelevant. But from the 15th I will keep it as a next action (possibly with a deadline set for the 24th).
Schedule time to work on projects
I am overwhelmed by tasks shown on google calendar after syncing with My goal is to set up weekly repeating events without showing the tasks that I set up for this events in google calendar, but in doit .. These tasks I use as a checklist on work via iphone so I don`t want miss anything, but as a overview for weekly planning (google calendar)it is a bit overwhelming and I can't print out a week plan. I tried to setup reminders such do morning routine. But it doesn't work like I want to.
How would you solve my problem?
Sincerely yours
How would you solve my problem?
Sincerely yours
04/12/2015 10:17#1
04/12/2015 16:28#2
Thanks a lot, that helped me out a lot. I will try to rearrage my lists as you assumed.