Case 1: I need to remember to buy superglue. I can do it at the "Warehouse, or the "Supermarket". If i'm in the "Warehouse" buying stuff, I need to hit the "Warehouse" Context and find "Buy Superglue" included in my list of tasks ... This will give me an opportunity to tick superglue off my list sooner.

I would not like to create a Context "Warehouse or Supermarket" since any task in there will not show up under the lists for "Warehouse" or "Supermarket". It's not a case of my trying to nest Contexts either, those are two different top level contexts I can be in and need to get relevant lists of Tasks.

I could tweek it with Tags, but than, Why even using contexts? And the Filter by tag button is not as close to hit as Context on a daily basis.

Case 2: I need John to show me how to do a handstand properly. But Michael also knows and can teach me as good as John. When I'm with Michael and I bring up things I need to do when with him, the question about the handstand wont come up as it's under John's list of tasks. And I'll miss the opportunity.

I could use tags for people, but again it's quite a few steps away in the mobile app to filter by tag.
I could put both under "With people" Context, but, obviously that's too broad...
A people list would be an idea?

Any suggestion on how to handle those two cenários. I don't belive I'm the only one with this kinds of trouble.