Could you please tell me one example task if convenient to you?
Before you do the task, you'd better separate the issue to be as small part as possible. If one part of the task is your duty and the other is your friend, then please separate the task to two tasks. One is for yourself, the other on is for your friend.
If the task is yours, you could set the task in Doit Now when you begin to do it. If tasks need be done by others, you could send it to him and let the task stay in Waiting.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
Is there anything like this in the development pipeline?
05/30/2015 08:28#1
05/30/2015 11:41#2
One way to manage this, which is what I do, is to use the GTD definitions of Next and Waiting: Next actions are for you do to. Waiting For actions are for others to do. In other words, in the GTD world there is no difference between Next and Waiting as far as timing, immediacy etc is concerned - only a difference in WHO will do it.
So, what you can do - the long way, which I usually avoid - is to first have a Next action for "Request information" or "Order books" etc (something that YOU will do) and then a separate Waiting For action for "Receive Information" etc (something that SOMEONE ELSE is responsible for, but which you need to monitor progress on).
In practice, what I do, I usually just have one action for all of this, just casually named "Get Alice in Wonderland" or something. Initially, I place it in Next, and I "just know" that the first thing I need to do is order it. When I have ordered it I do not check it off as done but move it to Waiting. Someone else is now responsible. I check my Waiting list every day to see if there is anything else that people "owe" me, and I decide if I need to push or follow up etc. When I finally receive the book I probably just check off the action as done, but if I need to inspect the goods carefully etc I will move the action back to Next, and I then "just know" that the things that remain to be done is inspect it and complain if there is anything faulty with it etc.
Sometimes I use subtasks to help me remember the individual steps above (and check off the subtasks as I go). And if it is a big thing I might make it a project.