Several, if not all, of these modifications have probably been suggested before, but the feedback forum is a bit difficult to browse and get an overview of.

1. Some notification, a star or a small number, in the widget, to notify that a task has subtasks.

2. A notifier or undo option in the widget if you try to complete a task that have unfinished subtasks.

3. That finished subtasks would be moved to the end of the list, for example if I have a shopping list task, with many items as subtasks. Now, as I check them off, they stay in the same position, forcing me to scroll up and down the list all the time, past already checked items. If the checked items went to the end of the list, I would always have a clear view of what I still need to pick up.

4. "Relative" recurring tasks. It would be great to have the option to repeat a task X days/weeks/months after last completed task instead of last due date. If I get my hair cut once a month and my appointment goes overdue one week, it doesn't make sense that I should book my next appointment three weeks after my hair was cut the last time.

It would, of course, also be interesting to be updated about what the development team is working on right now and when the next release can be expected.