After checking, we find that your account is free. One account can sync once with one client in 24 hours.
Do you only use iPhone client?
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
I normally just work with doit on my iphone and i love the app!
i just made a lot of changes to my projects and added lots of new tasks. I tried to delete recurring tasks but they still keep coming up. So i went to the webversion thru doit.im. in the web version none of the changes i made are visible. It is a very old snap shot of what i have on my iphone. I went back to my iphone and downloaded the newest version and tried to logout (sync and logout) and it says warning sync failed. Going thru the settings details, the last sync log says "succeeded 06/14/2015". Please advise. I do NOT want to lose the changes i made. I did a huge braindump and will be very bitter if i lose everything :(
thanks in advance,
09/01/2015 03:21#1
09/01/2015 20:34#2
But it hasn't synced since 6/14/15. And again it said that it failed today. So if it was able to sync once per 24 hours I would be fine with that. Yes I only use the iPhone client. I have in the past had trouble with recurring tasks and could set them up better logging in to doit.im that it when I realized that on the web is a version from June.
So I have two problems: 1) the sync doesn't work and so on the web I'm stuck with a very out of date version of my projects
2) I've deleted all my recurring tasks from the iPhone client but even though they don't show up in my projects they keep showing up daily as stuff I need to complete.
How can you help me? I don't want to lose all my changes from the last 3 months
09/01/2015 21:12#3
Okay I just discovered problem 3. Some changes are being saved and others are not. In my iPhone client. Several tasks I added yesterday still show up, but I made most projects inactive to focus on just 7 projects and now looking at my projects many are active again. I made many changes to my tasks and made some tasks into projects. Some of those changed are visible and others are lost.
I have loved this software until now. unless you can help me fix these problems I am deleting this app. I can not invest time into something and have my changes randomly disappear. This is not helping me be more efficient. -
09/02/2015 02:54#4
Please click the syncing button after 24 hours and tell me the result.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team -
09/02/2015 19:17#5
This is a private comment.
09/07/2015 09:59#6
Please tell me the sync log in the settings page. -
10/09/2015 08:04#7
I have just the same problem, even though I have a pro account/// Please, help!
10/10/2015 06:20#8
It also happens from the iphone to the web version? -
10/14/2015 13:29#9
10/15/2015 08:00#10
We are reproducing the problem..We will tell you the result when we have a solution for it.