I wrote you about this a week or so ago. When I enter a project and it has multiple steps I want to set the steps to someday so that in my planning I can change the someday items to today or even next. I am a researcher and there are like 15 steps to research. But they happen over time. I want to put all the steps in so I don't miss one, but at the same time I don't want them all to show up or they overwhelm me especially if I have several projects going at the same time. Or when I am teaching a class I have 15 weeks I need to prep ahead, but I don't prep for all the weeks at the same time. So I want to decide in my planning session what to move up into my current list of stuff to do.

Is there another way to do this that I haven't figured out yet. ? Thanks for righting a great program. What other software do you develop?

Mark Weiss
Utah State University