In my work I have to deal with due dates that are very strict. However, some of them may be extended, and in that case I may choose to move a task that is due today forward. The new due date is equally strict, and I have to compute it manually and change it manually. It is usually computed based on the previous due date.

If I reschedule the task to a date that is overdue just to get it out of the way (I cannot address the issue right now), the due date will automatically change as well. This creates a situation that is potentially disastrous. The overdue due date is still relevant to me - both to show that the task is indeed overdue and that there may be formalities that have to be handled in order to obtain an extension, and to provide the base date from which to compute the new due date.

I assume that most people who deal with due dates have to take into consideration how overdue a task is if it is allowed to become overdue at all. So could you please remove this automatic update of due dates, or at least make it optional through the settings?
