Hi there, we have sent you an email with the subject of "test", you could check if the task appears in your inbox. If it also appears twice, please feel free to contact us in time.
Duplicates in inbox
When I send an email to my Doit email address, the task appears twice in my inbox. It should only appear once
11/27/2015 05:12#2
11/30/2015 08:58#3
Yes it appears twice
11/30/2015 09:15#5
@davidbowdler Sorry, we are working on fixing this problem. Could you please delete one of them by yourself if you receive two tasks? Thanks for your patience.
11/30/2015 10:58#6
Yes, and tank you for working to fix this bug
11/30/2015 12:07#7
@davidbowdler Thanks for your patience~