@moebius Hi there, the tasks within contexts are sorted in time order. Time-ordered tasks are clearer to most users. Happy new year!
I do grouping tasks by context. Why within contexts is not sorted in alphabetical order? Visually the image. On the left, as it is now, right as I want. Please do within contexts sorting alphabetically.
01/02/2016 15:03#1
01/03/2016 18:15#2
@Linjiani Thank you, now understand the logic, I am satisfied.
01/04/2016 03:17#3
@moebius Thanks for your understanding. Enjoy using Doit.im.
01/04/2016 12:14#4
I second the original idea of having other sorting methods than time on the Today list. Personally I prefer priority.
I generally do not use date or time at all, except for appointments etc. If tasks have a scheduled date, this is just a GTD tickler date for me, i.e. an "irrelevant before" date, but it has no influence on when therefter I will do the task - it could be today or in a hundrad years, but not before that date. It will show up on the Today list and often I will move it to Next. If I put or leave a task on the Today list, the date I put it there has no bearing at all on anything whatsoever.
Some tasks do have a real (hard) deadline, but most are just ASAP (the sooner the better - every day and minute counts). I use the priority indicator extensively to guide my eyes among all these actions - on all lists, including the Today list.
For me it would be better to have tasks sorted by priority under each context. And to simply ignore the date it was put on the list (not even show it, except maybe if it also has an exact time). It would also sometimes be useful to have the option to manually adjust the position of each task (without having to program an invented exact time for every task just to get them in a sensible order). -
01/04/2016 21:22#5
@Linjiani I used your logic when you create a task. Create a scheduled task, see the numbering, it is ideal. And the next day I looked at the list tomorrow, everything got lost. Now you know what I mean, it should be corrected.
01/05/2016 07:37#7
@moebius Hi there, we can not reproduc this problem. Have you edited and resaved the tasks in the list "tomorrow"? If you did, the task you edited would move to the end.
01/05/2016 07:48#8
@Folke Hi there,
You can use the shortcut key “P" or when editing a task, assign a priority to the task. You can click the link below to see the details: http://faq.doit.im/web.html#50
Then you can click the lower right corner of the task list, you can group them by Priority now. Click the link below to see the details: http://faq.doit.im/web.html#108
01/05/2016 08:00#9
@Linjiani No, I have created a daily scheduled tasks, and then watched them for tomorrow. Initially numbering is retained, but then she gets off! Although the scheduled tasks, everything is perfect.
01/05/2016 08:50#10
@moebius Hi there, sorry for this issue. As we have not reproduced this problem, I would suggest you set them "Doit now" in Today list and manually sort them if you think this bother you too much.
01/05/2016 09:18#11
@Linjiani You wrote to me about the logic of sorting tasks in context. I have done according to you, but it is not working correctly. Well, I will record the video that you saw this problem.
01/05/2016 14:06#12
Thanks for the tips. I use those methods already. But I only seldom want to group by priority at the top level. I usually prefer to group by Context (or Project - and would love Goal) and ONLY THEN have it sub-sorted by priority. In Waiting and Someday this happens automatically. In Next it requires manual sub-sorting. In Today it requires you to manually remove the dates, and then it will happen automatically.
For all lists (Next, Waiting, Someday, Today) I would prefer:
1) a main grouping pretty much as it is (by Context, Project etc) but would like some addtional ones, e.g. by Goal. And I would like one-click quick buttons (not a menu) to quickly alter the grouping from, say, Context to Project.
2) automatic subsorting by priority within each group.
3) Optional manual adjustment (sticky) of the automatic sorting -
01/05/2016 14:33#13
@Folke Hi there, we will take your need into account and decide whether it is necessary adding according to most uses' need.
01/06/2016 15:47#14
OK, so here is one safe bet if you want to accommodate most users' needs regarding the Today list:
Implement the normal kind of "star" - the "attention star" that we see in most other todo apps, and even see in gmail and many other apps. This has been discussed at great length in dozens of threads here on the Doit forum. Lots of people have expressed the exact same view. And perhaps most interesting of all, absolutely nobody - not a single user - has defended or advocated the present "scheduled-for-Today" approach that Doit has taken, where tasks are brutally removed from wherever they actually belong and placed on the Today list INSTEAD (!) of where they actually belong. (Only Doit's own staff defends this "brutal" and unusual approach ;-)
01/07/2016 10:19#15
@Folke Hi there, we will work more on improving the functions of Doit.im.