@Uduse Hi there,
You can set your working hour in general setting. Sorry we will not do hours inputting for each day, as we have to take most users' need into account. To most uses, it is not a necessary feature.
You can record the time spent on a task when it is finished. Click the link below to see the details: http://faq.doit.im/web.html#164
You can estimate time for each task during your daily planning. There is a box for you to enter estimated time for each task during daily planning. Directly input the number or use the up/down arrow on the keyboard and you can change the time. You may estimate up to 8 hours for each task, and please break down your task if your estimation exceeds the maximum. Please click the link below to see the details: http://faq.doit.im/web.html#150
Completed tasks in daily review are sorted in the finished time order. The expected time does not affect.
Please log in your account in our official website and stay in the page to see if you can get the notification when you are replied.
Some random feedback
1. Calculating hours available each day based on working hours and lunch break is not helpful.
I am a student with a different schedule every day. A lot of people don't have a consistent working schedule as well. It's more effective to allow users to input hours available for each day of a week directly.
Daily plan and review are not well incorporated. Few features I would love to see are:
2. Allow users to record the time used on a task when the task is marked as finished. I found having a separate paper to keep track of how much time I spent on a task annoying.
3. Allow users to assign expected time when a task is created.
and some bugs:
4. Tasks may shuffle randomly when assigning expected time in daily review.
5. I never get notification about my feedback being replied. I have to check manually.
I am a student with a different schedule every day. A lot of people don't have a consistent working schedule as well. It's more effective to allow users to input hours available for each day of a week directly.
Daily plan and review are not well incorporated. Few features I would love to see are:
2. Allow users to record the time used on a task when the task is marked as finished. I found having a separate paper to keep track of how much time I spent on a task annoying.
3. Allow users to assign expected time when a task is created.
and some bugs:
4. Tasks may shuffle randomly when assigning expected time in daily review.
5. I never get notification about my feedback being replied. I have to check manually.
01/05/2016 08:38#1
01/06/2016 00:03#2
@Linjiani I am afraid that you miscomprehended my question. I know how to use "Daily Plan" and "Daily Review" and e.t.c. The point I was making is that I HAVE TO click daily plan or daily review to assign hours or record hours. It's really inconvinient since I add tasks and complete tasks all day, not just the beginning or end of a day.
01/06/2016 03:36#3
@Uduse Hi there, firstly you can set the estimated time of tasks in the editing page. Secondly, you can set the time spent on the completed tasks in the completed box. You don't have to click daily plan or daily review to set the estimated time and time spent actually.