@dmivapi According to GTD, context exists in order to make you focus on one list. And our app is based on the core of GTD. If you arrange more than one context on a task, the task will be shown in several lists, which goes against our original motivation. So we feel so sorry, but it is temporarily not in our development plan. And in your case, you can add tags to a task. For example, you can add tag 1, tag 2 to task A, and tag 1, tag 2 stands for some contexts. Then you can filter out task A by clicking tag 1 or tag 2.
What do you think about possibility to have 2 or more contexts for 1 task. There are many cases when one thing can be done, for instance, by calling a person, or meeting him (if I happen to be in my office) - so, I would like to see this task, both under Calls and under Office.
03/31/2016 08:58#1
03/31/2016 08:58#2
I've read the other discussions about multiple contexts. So I wanted to add to me first post. Some people say - well, do not too specific in your contexts - I think "Call" or "Office" - are quite commonly used contexts. The other people say - use tags - it doesn't seem to fit my example either.
03/31/2016 09:09#3
@Linjiani I do not see what is wrong with focusing on one list. If I open the context "Calls" - and see my task there ("talk to the secretary") - I have free time for calls (while waiting at the airport, for instance) - how am I not focused on one list - I see only the tasks which can be completed by calls (even though they can be done the other way too).
But if I happen to be in the office - I open "Office" context - and see only the tasks that pertain to this place ("talk to the secretary") - what is not working as far as focusing? or GTD ideas.
If I start using tags as Contexts - that seems to bring a lot of confusion.
Maybe I do not understand something about focusing in GTD, please help me. -
03/31/2016 10:47#4
dmivapi, the GTD principles were written with paper lists in mind. On paper, you have one next action list per context. You would never write the same action on more than one list, as that would be too much work. That is the background for this tradition.
linjiani, many other apps have chosen a "tag" approach" to contexts, and allow the user to apply any number of contexts. (Eg. Nirvana, Zendone, GTDNext ...). This works without any problem - in those apps, the context tags are visible at the top (and/or left) and can be clicked very easily for filtering purposes.
Doit has chosen a "bigger" approach, with BOTH visible exclusive Contexts on the one hand AND invisible non-exclusive Tags on the other. I am not sure why. The features seem to have been implemented independently of each other, not coordinated/harmonized in any way. There have been many suggestions on this forum for how they could be coordinated in a powerful way and combined with relevant filtering options etc. -
03/31/2016 14:06#5
@Folke Nice word. Having a user like you is our pleasure. We will keep on improving Doit.im, providing users of more features.
03/31/2016 22:03#6
Hiii Haannn Hiiii Haannn Hiii Haaaaaaaaaaannnnn
This is the way we imitate donkeys (= to bray), in my languaje (spanish), and this is the way I fell every time I come back to this forum. 👍 -
04/01/2016 03:10#7
@joaquinmari What did that really mean?
05/27/2016 20:29#8
@Folke Seems like you are saying: "You have to use tags, instead of contexts - if you want to put something in 2 contexts". That makes me think about simply leaving this system and build my own using tags in some app like Evernote. In the latest edition of David Allen's book there is no priority given to paperbased approach.
I do not really see the sense in visiting this forum asking for features... I thought David Allen was saying about things being available very quickly - otherwise you won't be using them. This principle is paid no attention.
Just 1 example: While watching tasks under certain goal - I wanted to mark 10 of them with one tag - I selected all of them clicked on them with right mouse button - and... "Delete", "Change Goal"... no way to mark it with tag (I understand this is because in paper based approach - there is no way stamp several pieces with one move :) ) you don't even see tags near the task name. Well, I guess it was discussed a lot before me... And seems like convenience principle is not there, makes me think of looking for something else... -
05/27/2016 21:00#9
dmvapi, I agree with you. And you do not have to build your own app. I think you may like Nirvanahq better. It lets you add any number of tags, they are all visible on the task line (in different colors if you like), and you can also use filtering to filter the list on the fly by more tags than one (just AND filtering; not very sophisticated, but still).
The reason I use Doit is mainly just because of the colored priorities. Other GTD inspired web apps you may want to take look at are Zendone and GTDNext (or Things and Omnifocus if you are a Mac user). -
05/27/2016 21:02#10
dmvapi, I forgot to mention that Nirvanahq also lets you apply tags to projects, and these tags are then auto-inherited by all tasks within the project. This is handy for area tags etc - it means you save the work of tagging every single action.