If I have the Today list grouped by Project, then I can see the Context next to each task. Good. And vice versa, if I have the Today list grouped by Context, then I can see the Project next to each task. Also good.

So if I log in, start a fresh screen etc, everything is fine. BUT:

If I change the grouping using the grouping selector at the bottom, only the grouping changes, not what is shown next to each task. This means if I change from Contect to Project grouping I will see Projects both as headings and as indicators next to each task. And I will not see the Context anywhere unless I reload the whole page.

The same problem afflicts the Next list, Waiting For list, and Someday lists.

(Another little thing: Being able to regroup the page (quickly without a reload) is such a very useful feature that it is a pity to have to go through a menu at the bottom to accomplish it. It would be better with a set of buttons in the blue strip on top saying "Context", "Project", "Deadline", "Priority" etc There is plenty of room up there. Just an idea)