@PTKen Hi there, we have checked your account and it's ok. We added tasks "T1, T2, T3", tag"test",and the filter "TEST" in the background. Please check if the tasks are filtered by the tag "test" and grouped by priority.
Incorrect Filtering Behavior
If I filter on one tag, then select to group by priority, the filter is no longer working. I see all tasks (even though the filter icon is highlighted). If I then select "All", then select my tag again, the grouping option reverts to Group by Project.
I seem to be unable to filter for one (or more) tag(s) and then group by priority.
I seem to be unable to filter for one (or more) tag(s) and then group by priority.
04/08/2016 04:04#1
04/09/2016 19:17#2
What I have discovered from experimenting (and this is completely repeatable) is that if I first select the tag and then select the grouping, it either groups by a different grouping (such as selecting priority and seeing grouping by project) or groups correctly, but not with my tag's filtering. However, if I select "all" tags, select my grouping, and then select the tag(s) that I want to filter by then it work correctly.
Since I have a way to work it this is not urgent, but please look into the filtering/grouping selection process with an eye on the order of events. Thank you. -
04/11/2016 03:14#3
@PTKen ^_^